Baby, do you still want to go back? "

Jiang Yu held Xiaobao in one hand and gave Wen Jinyan a thumbs up with the other.

"It's amazing. I'm really curious. How do you remember the direction? There is no reference.

I have no intention of going back. We are all together anyway. It doesn't matter where we live?

Isn't this an agreement with Ms. Yue? "

Wen Jinyan stretched out his hand and held the baby in his hand no longer than his thumb.

Compared with being powerful, who can compare with his treasure?

"I can't tell you the specifics. Anyway, I can still find the general direction.

Don't worry, when the time comes, senior brother will take you back.

"It doesn't matter where I live, wherever my baby is is my home."

Chu Xiao has always paid attention to Jiang Yu in the team. Even if she does not belong to him now, it is good to take a look at her.

The three daughters-in-law of the Chu family are actually quite envious of Jiang Yu.

Live a free and unrestrained life, free from worldly constraints

With caring children around their knees and their loved ones by their side, they are the treasures of the Jiang family.

Such days are probably what every woman desires!

In the past few days, the Chu family did not bother Jiang Yu, and Jiang Yu only regarded them as ordinary survivors.

The master has been gone for a long time and has not come back. The longer Jiang Yu waits, the more worried she becomes.

Fortunately, at the moment when Jiang Yu couldn't wait any longer, Xuanqing came back.

"Master, are you okay? Why were you gone for so long?"

"Don't worry, Master is fine.

This area is very vast, and there are human beings living in it. However, the living environment seems to be very backward.

It is a group life based on tribes, which is still different from tribes in ancient times.

Moreover, the people here are tall and have strong military strength.

"My skin color is darker and my personality is a bit violent."

"Master, is the place where we are standing far from their living environment?"

Xuanqing nodded, "It's very far away. I flew for almost half an hour before I saw it."

Jiang Yu calculated it. If he flew at Master's speed for half an hour, then at ordinary people's speed, it would probably take two years to arrive.

Then this place is very suitable for settlement, the environment is adaptable, and it is separated from the indigenous residents at a certain distance without disturbing each other.

Xuanqing saw his apprentice's plan, "I think your idea is feasible, apprentice."

You have no obligation to take care of this group of people all the time.

Having done so now, I have exhausted all my benevolence and righteousness.

The animals in the forest have normal body shapes and expressions, and they don't seem to have mutated.

The materials in the forest are also quite abundant. As long as you have hands and are not lazy, you will never die of hunger."

"Then let's decide to stay here."

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