chapter 2 i end up in an alien prison cell.

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As we rode are bikes closer and closer to the forest as I rode it forwards in to the town square there I could see the city hall the super market the gas station police station the fast food burger place and also the café and drift store.

We road are bikes forward past parked cars and also went past the cinema as we went forwards faster and faster.

"hay josh race you there" jerry said it looked like he was challenging me to a race he is on and I said "Your one".

And we peddled all the way to the forest we was here now the forest had oak trees and pine trees as we entered I could see people in suits coming out of a van they was like had black sun glasses.

Boy what was this the x files jerry said "Look government agents" "what no look I am just going to speak with them" I said.

Jerry was trying to stop me and said "what no they will memory zap us like in men in black" "hay they won't trust me your acting like a Loonie" I said.

They came over to me and said "hello there kids we are F.B.I." there was one with red hair and was a woman the other was a man who was black with bold hair.

"yeah I have a question why are you doing here" I said as she said "Look some campers have gone missing the forest so I advise being careful there are people in the forest".

"what kind" I said as jerry said "yes okay we won't get kidnapped just trust us" "okay just be careful kids okay there have been two missing people case here" he said.

"okay got it I will be careful" I said as I went along riding the bike through the forest as jerry said "look you almost got us court by the government there must be aliens here".

"Look I don't know about that and I don't even think we should camp here" I said as jerry said "so you are afraid and you do believe me".

"It was kind of look to be honest I am kind of not look there must be some dangerous people here and I really think we should just head back home" I said.

I should have turned back now but I didn't know and plus jerry said "so you do admit there was aliens here".

"What no look fine okay" I said I didn't want to believe jerry but I just really wanted to leave but jerry was calling me a critic to and I just wanted to make a point.

"fine" I said and I just hope this would be worth it as we went through the forest we ended up on the hill I could see the sun set through the trees it was kind of nice.

And as we sat down lucky for me jerry packed a water bottle and as I drank some water as jerry said "so do you think there could be more".

"yeah more to life you know I can't wait in till we can see aliens in space I really can't wait" I said I mean I was a nerd when it came to space stuff.

Me and jerry watched tons of star trek star wars and we even heard of more we was also not just nerd and critic.

We was basically geeks we watch tons of stuff I love valerian city of a thousand planets and more if it was hitch hikers guide to the galaxy.

John carter of mars I heard of ton like dune avatar marvel like guardians and not just space I have also heard of super heroes.

Marvel dc spider man hulk x men avengers Thor iron man captain America and the flash the show was okay not the best but it was good just saying.

I also watch old cereals of buck Rodgers flash Gordon and I love 80s movies like goonies monster squad I even secretly with my dad's permission watched it on Netflix's and that gave me a idea.

And I said to jerry "hay we need to have a group name I know we are not a group but we can be" "wait what do you think we should be called" jerry said.

"I was thinking cosmic rangers" I said but that was dumb but I had an idea that was close "Hay how about the defenders of earth" I said.

cosmic defenders.Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ