chapter 1 i go camping for aliens

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I am just a kid the future is my own path but what I dint knew existed or cared about in tell know almost got me killed.

My name is josh brooks I am 14 Years old and this is my story about the stars and the people who I have seen it all began when I was reading after school a comic under neath a text book secretly.

Look I like sci fi fantasy and to be honest I remember reading john carter Carson of Venus even Tarzan thought frank Herbert June kind of was garbage.

Basically it didn't have aliens any way I was in class as the teacher said "all right class who can tell me anything about photo symphyses".

When suddenly she knottiest me reading though I was hiding a comic book she said "josh brook what are you doing reading a comic book in school it's not allowed".

"What but" I said as she took out the comic book and walked to her desk were all the confiscated stuff is.

Basically there was stuff like sling shots toys even and also candy some kids snuck but they was small.

As she putted the comic book in to the desk cabinet and that was a good comic book what it was a marvel comic book the one where it was the one when Mary jane first came in she was hot I mean.

"I loved comics and I said "really that was a good one" I said and I was just saying that was a good comic was amazing and to be honest I love comic books.

Spider man black panther fantastic four you name it I read it but I mostly like space I just wondered we can't be the only being in the universe.

And any way the teacher said "Okay if you're not too busy reading comic books you would know that there is going to be a pop quiz on this".

God the class acted like it was my fault I knew that kind of wasn't true but any way they looked at me their mouths shut.

They could make a scene and they looked at me I really hope they don't chuck me in the trash can just saying.

Any way right before the quiz began I could hear them say "Thanks a lot josh" and another said "You are such a pain just saying".

When class was over the pop quiz was hard I remembered most of it the others was bored to death of it for real but not the real bit any way I finished lucky for me and after woods the bell rang.

Class was over as class was over I left and there as I got out of my seat I could see my best friend jerry martin as we got out of are desks and jerry said "hay look don't worry lets go to my tree house after school.

Jerry was a critic which meant conspiracy theorist it meant he believed in big foot the illuminati the government and finally aliens yeah thought I believed in aliens to.

But I was keeping it secret for a while because let's just say me and him was like the loser club basically I wanted us to be called the critic group but we didn't have anoth people just saying.

Any way as we left the class room suddenly I could hear someone said "hello there you stupid loser" oh boy it was him I looked behind me and sure peter.

He was the big bully basically he had long brown hair and was the school bully basically he was a tyrant he was like a don boss just saying.

"Not today please don't" I said I mean I just wished I could stand up to him I mean he was a bully he was tall tuff and he could beat you up when nobody is watching but he behaved at school.

But out side before school when the teachers was not watching he beat up kids up for lunch money.

Like me and jerry it sucked I wish for once I was the one beating him up any way as he came towards me he said "please not today".

"oh I don't think so" he said as he pushed me and dangled my shirt and hold it next to the lockers I mean I have worst things to worry about.

Like not getting girls school homework chores and bully's they didn't make life horrible for it like I really hope he doesn't stuff me in to a locker.

Or worst through me in to the garbage just saying he usually just wanted my lunch money and I said "Here take it".

When suddenly a teacher came in and said "Hello there what are you doing" "Just helping him out with his locker problem" he said.

The teacher didn't by it but he was on to him but he ignored it and said "you better not be bullying because I will tell your parents".

As the bully walked away and forgot to take my lunch money thought he did do the hole eyes on you thing and if I did tell the teacher he would beat me up like so badly and what could I do I was scared.

He walked away and I had problems any way when school finished I went down the steps and beside I studied a bit and let's just say I was kind of the best kind of truth is I was good at drawings when I was young I duelled in my text book.

I stopped when dad said "no more comic books intel my grade go up" and I didn't want to argue so I did what I was told.

And any way after school I unlocked my boke from the bike lock and I ridded it all the way to Jerrys house he had a tree house.

His parents basically are a part of the town council any way this is just a normal town in England one where nothing strange happens here.

Any way as I stopped and I went in to the tree house and as I went around the back jerry said "so josh you heard the rumours".

I didn't know but I doubt he wasn't right he was a bit of a critic a conspiracy theorist boy no wonder we never got girls in to us thought it would be nice.

Thought I crushed on a lot of girls but they was to good to me just saying thought I would like to meet a woman just saying.

As I walked in to his back garden there it was a tree house it wasn't that good truth is it kind of looked like Barts house like the tree house from the Simpson.

And any way I said to jerry "look jerry if this is about another one of your alien theory than count me out".

"what no not this time there really is aliens out there and believe me there are sittings in the forest of one" jerry said.

"Look I would love to but I have to get home and besides if dad catches us we would be so dead" I said.

That is just a figure of speech but if he did I would get grounded for a long time like a month or a week.

As I climbed up the ladder and in side was bean bags comic books and even a radio just saying and as we got in we was lessoning to a mixes tape that belonged to his dad he didn't mind.

I mean it was him and also jerry said "Okay look I have an idea we go camping for that U.F.O." "what you're crazy there is no u.f.o." I said.

And I mean he was my friend but he was crazy insane and stupid some times and jerry said "Look if you don't want to go camping that is fine but your chicken".

Wait what did he say was he trying to threaten me well I can do that to you know and I said "what did you say".

"you heard me" jerry said as I said "fine but if we don't find an alien you owe me 10 pounds" "you're on" jerry said.

And as I knew dad wouldn't let me go camping so I kind of told him a little lie just that I am staying over at Jerrys house.

I made my was back home my dad worked in well a pharmacy he owned it and was the manager any way as I rode my bike all the way to my house as I went to my house.

It was basically a normal looking house and I went in to change my clothes I packed my bags a few matches a torch a sleeping bag some food a little bit of my allowance.

As I got changed in to a red shirt and shorts and putted on my cap it was red my dad wasn't home by the way he usually worked a lot I see him on weekends and my mum is divorced from my dad.

And honestly he did have some days of but it was any way as I came out of my house and rode my bikes all the way to Jerrys place.

There I said "hay jerry what is up" as jerry had his back pack on and said "hay look what I have I have saved up my money".

It looked new and expensive just saying and beside I said "hay I have saved up all my money for this camera good thing right.

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