Felix went inside his room and got ready stressfully.He had made up his mind no matter what happenes he will not say yes to marry that girl,He is just going for his parents.

At colleage-It was lunch time,everyone was having lunch at the canteen.Alex sat at Eve's table today.Jina wanted to give yesterday's pilaroid to her but she couldn't do it because of Alex that's why she thought of an idea to make him leave.

Jina:I will go buy some sandwich for me.

Jina stood up but pretended to fall down again holding her leg as Alex was near her he caught her by her forearm and made her sit on the chair.Alex,Eve and Ahsley looked at her worriedly when Alex asked-

Alex:What happened,Jina?
Jina:Ahh my leg hurts so bad.I think it's a cramp.(Acting)
Alex:That's bad.
Ahsley:You should go to the medical room.
Alex:Why not?(Frowns)
Jina:I mean it's just a cramp why waste time going to the medical room for something mere like this?It will be ok on it's own if i let it rest for sometime.
Eve:Are you sure?
Jina:Yes but Alex(Looks at Alex)Can you please grab a sandwich for me?I am very hungry and I can't even go there myself.
Alex:.........Ok wait here.I will get it for you.
Jina:(Smile)Thank you.Get me chicken sandwich.
Jina:(Sigh in relif)I should be an actress.
Jina:All of this was an acting to make Alex go away.
Jina:To give you this(Takes out Polaroud from pocket)(Gives it to her)
Eve:(Looks at it)(Eyes go wide)(Takes it)
You took this yesterday right??
Jina:Yes.I know I did a good job.No need to thank me.
Eve:This is sooo cute!!Thank you so much,bestiee.
Jina:Uh...I guess you didn't hear me.
Eve:Yeah whatever.You did a good job.
Ashley:(Nods)It looks like a movie scene.
Jina:I-(Sees Alex coming)Alex!Alex!

Eve quickly hid the photo in her pocket seeing Alex.Alex gave the chicken sandwich he bought to Jina and sat down on his seat.

Here,Felix had alreay arrived at the girl's house along with his parents.They welcomed them warmly but the girl wasn't here yet.They were waiting for her when the doorbell rang.Mrs.Emma who is the girl's mother opened the door and both of then came inside together.The girl said with a smile on her face-

The girl:I am sorry about keeping you all waiting.
Mrs.Jonathan:It's alright,dear.
The girl:Hello,Mr.Felix.Nice to meet you.
Felix:(Looks up)He-(Stops)(Shocked)
Mrs.Jonathan:What happened,Felix?(Whispers to him)
The girl:Hello i am Sarah Coper(Forwards her hand)
Felix:(Lost in his own world)
Mrs.Jonatahn:(Awkward smile)Felix!(Whispers)
Felix:(Realizes)Y-Yeah.Hello,Nice to meet you.
Mrs.Emma:Sarah,go and change your clothes.
Sarah:Ok.I will be back.(Leaves)
Felix:How come she is here?Is this a dream?......No no it's real,yes it is real.
So the girl mom and dad chose for me was actually Sarah who happens to be my girlfriend.Yes that's it.But she didn't look shocked to see me,not even a bit.It was like she already knew I was gonna come,why didn't she tell me then??I am so confused right now.

Sarah came out of her room after changing into a beautiful white dress wirh chickencurry design all over it.She left her ginger hair open with a littile makeup on her face,nothing much.She sat down beside her mother.Felix cleared his throat grabbing everyone's attention and said-

Felix:Umm.....I would like to talk with Sa-Ms.Sarah privately
Felix:Yes so if any of you doesn't have any problem can i do that?
Mr.Coper:Yes yes go ahead.Sarah,take him to your room.
Felix:Ok.Let's get going(Stand up)
Mrs.Jonathan:(Whispers to Mr.Jonathan)I think Felix liked her.
Mr.Jonathan:(Whispers back)I also think so.

They both go toward Sarah's room together.

Felix:What's going on,Sarah?
Sarah:What do you mean?
Felix:Did you know you were gonna meet me today?
Felix:Why didn't you tell me earlier when i called you then?
Sarah:Because i thought you already knew and you didn't tell me to surprise me so I just played along too.
Felix:I had no idea.My parents told me right before coming here.
Sarah:Oh I misuderstood then......Sorry.
Felix:It's Alright no need to be sorry.But how did this happend though?
Sarah:Well my parents showed me your picture and I thought you told your parents about me so they send proposal that's why I said yes,later got to know it was us who was sending proposal then I understood the matter but didn't tell them about our relationship cause.....I was shy to do so.
Felix:.......I was also shy to tell them.It's good though that this happened now we can be together without having to tell our family about our actual relation.Everyone
Will think of it as arrange marrige while wr both are actually having a love marrige.
Sarah:(Chuckeles)That's complicated.......We are gonna get married by the way.
Felix:Yes we are!It's like we are made for each other.
Sarah:(Smiles widely)

They both came out after talking a littile more.Felix gave his affirmation to the marrige and they left after fixing the date.

At class-Eve put hand one her chin with her elbow on the table and looked at Peter-

Eve:Peter,have you seen the polaroid Jina took yesterday?
Peter:No.Have you?
Eve:Yes.I have it with me now.Do you wann see it?
Eve:You will have to fullfill my wish then.
Peter:What wish?
Eve:Do a reel with me.
Peter:A re-What?!No I don't do those things.
Eve:Why not??It's fun!!Don't worry i am not dumb enough to upload it on instagram.I will just do it for fun.
Eve:I won't show you the polaroid unless you do a reel with me.
Peter:What?Eve,that's so unfair.You can't do this to me.
Eve:I can do anything to you.(Looks away)(Folds hand on her chest angrily)
Eve:Do a reel with me first.
Peter:You are being so stubborn right now.
Eve:Oh well did I forget to tell you I can also be very stubborn at times?I won't show you the polaroid unless you do a reel with me.That's it.
Peter:(Sighs heavily)So you have made up your mind already?
Peter:(Closes eyes)(Opesn them)Ok fine fine I will do a reel with you.Happy now?
Eve:(Looks at him)(Smiles)Yes!!I am so happy.
Peter:Show me the polaroid then.
Eve:You can't trick me,Peter.First reel then polaroid.
Peter:I wasn't gonna trick you but ok Whatever.First reel then polaroid.Keep your promise.
Eve:I never break my promises.
Peter:Le-(Bell rings)
Eve:Oh the bell rang.Guess we will have to do the reel tomorrow.Byee!(Stands up)
Eve:See you tomorrow!

Eve left after saying that while smiling.
Peter just looked at her disappearing figure.

Eid Mubarak everyone!!I hope you all had a great eid.Mine was good.Think of this chapter as salami or eidi from me whatever you call it.We call it Salami.
Anyway do let me know about your thoughts on this chapter.Thank you for reading❤❤

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