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'Ugh' was the only word to describe what I was feeling, and was probably also the only word I could say as I slowly woke up from my.. what do you call it? Knock-out? Deep, deep, sleep? Short-term coma? I was about to feel the back of my head, where I felt the most pain when I realized my hands were bound to my body, and I was placed upright against some wall. I tried opening my eyes but my right eye was particularly difficult to open. The memory of the fight rushed back into my brain like a flood, and all of a sudden it's like someone redelivered the air into my lungs and the thoughts into my head. My torso ached, and my hands were bruised and scratched. A crash test dummy would have been in better shape. 

I wondered where my captors were, and what they were planning on doing with me, but honestly, I didn't care. I was beaten up, homeless, helpless, and almost certain that my money was no longer in my pockets. Struggling, screaming, and fighting were useless. I had truly hit rock bottom. I closed my eyes again because although I had been out cold for an amount of time I didn't even want to know, I was exhausted. "Well," I muttered to myself, "at least I earned my 'kidnap survivor' badge." I had nearly dozed off when I heard voices and decided to play dead to catch the most out of the conversation.

"I still think you shouldn't have knocked her out!" a  high-pitched voice said. "Well, what did you want me to do, sit down and willfully accept my death?" said another voice, this time with a Scottish accent. "Will you two shut up? We need to figure out what to do with the body." I recognized this voice. Vinnie, that stupid little-OW!. My inner monologue was interrupted by a stick poking into my cheek. I was almost about to reveal the whole alive-ness thing, but I kept my cool and pulled myself together. "Looks dead to me." said the Scottish voice. "Oh no. Oh no no no no no, we can't have killed someone! I can't have that on my conscience. This is not good." The high-pitched voice guy sounded like he was going to cry, and then it clicked. He was the ginger, the one I nearly.... oh shit. But that must mean... Stone was Scottish? I didn't even know Stone was capable of speech! "Skipp, buddy, you need to calm down. She'll probably wake up in a bit, now you'll see. Go back to the tent and bring the money. We're eating good tonight boys!" Vinnie told the boy. I heard footsteps and quiet for a bit, until Stone said, "Vinnie, you do know she's dead right?". "Well we can't tell that to skip! It would break his little heart!" Vinnie replied. "So...we dump it into the river?" "Deal." Shit. Shit shit shit shit, I can't swim. What do I do?

"Wait!" I screamed. "AAH, holy... what the hell?" Vinnie kicked me and I screamed again. "What was that for?!" "You're lucky I didn't pull out my knife. You were dead! Did I summon you? I always knew I was powerful but I never thought-" "I was never dead!" I cut her off. "I was just knocked out, I think. I'm not sure, my head's still fuzzy on the entire story. " The three of us just stared at each other for a bit in awkward silence. 

"Hey, would you mind untying  me?" I asked. Vinnie scoffed and stooped down to my level, "Now, why would I do that?" she snarkily asked. "Maybe because the guy who took off a minute ago might have a mental breakdown if you don't" I offered. "Good excuse, but not good enough. Now we were planning on dumping you into the river-" "Ah yes, so the rest of the townsfolk can watch as my body elegantly floats off into the sunset." "Ha ha really funny. As I was saying, now that you're awake I think I have a much better use for you." Vinnie says to me. "And what would that be?" I asked. "You join our crew!" she said.

Those words were enough to send me into a hysterical laughing fit. "Yeh, sure, you're funny. Now would you stop stalling and just kill me?" I told her, wiping my eyes. "Well, what use would you be once you're dead?" Vinnie asked me. My face went deadpan and I stared into her eyes, "Vinnie, I am not joining you're group. You can kick me, punch me, suspend me off a bridge, but there is no way in hell I am ever, and I mean ever, going to join your group." I said while finding my footing and standing up. "I mean look at you guys! Thieves, delinquents who enjoy knocking out people when they aren't robbing the homeless! I will never want to be associated with you in any way apart from the off-chance that I would be known as your murderer." "Ouch," Vinnie replied. "Luckily, I'm not a whiny little girl who's easily offended." She said, grinning at me. I took a deep breath and spoke again. "Well, that's good for you, but unfortunately whiny little girls really do hate stealing so I guess I can't join you." "Listen shithead. You fought well okay? I'll give you that.  Now I would prefer if instead of attacking us next time, you'll go off on some rich broad who's an easy mark." She responded. "As much as I appreciate the compliment, I am not beating up strangers so you can steal from them," I replied. "Well, you don't have a choice. I am not letting you go until you agree. You can lie and run, but we will find you. We will always find you, and next time, you won't get out with just a black eye." She told me. 

I was stuck. I had nowhere to go. I could say no and die, or..... ugh. I can't believe this. I looked up at Vinnie as she extended her hand. I wriggled mine out of the bonds and we shook as I possibly made the worst decision of my life. I regretted every decision I had made up until this point, but I couldn't do much now, so I shoved all my complaints deep down and managed to free myself from the ropes. 

I heard footsteps coming from round the corner and in walked the ginger boy. His face lit up as he ran towards me and squeezed me so hard I thought I was going to die.

"Kill me now," I mumbled to myself


(sorry this won't be in bold my Wattpad is glitching up )

oh my god, 150 reads! (sorry, I could be overreacting but to me this is a massive deal )

Not much else to say except thank you so much for reading :) 

see you on the next page <3 

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