CHAPTER IV - This is Where it Ends... or not

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'You can't just race me to the top of the Thousand Steps, Po. It's impossible to win against me, well, at least for you.' Tigress stated as she sprinted up the stairs.

The cool afternoon breeze was fresh and crisp. The wind blew gently as the clouds above sailed in the sky. The joy of victory against Rei Zhan brought peace and happiness to the two warriors' hearts. Tigress stole a glance behind her, looking at Po, who, panting heavily, was catching up with the feline.

'I'll... catch up... just... wait!' Po gasped between breaths.

'I can't wait.' Tigress mumbled dryly.

'Tigress, whatever's happening, can't we just talk things out?' Po pleaded. 'Come on- you've been giving me the cold shoulder for two days now.'

Tigress didn't reply. She stopped as she reached the top of the stairs. Po, who was ten meters away, trailed behind her, going slower and slower.

'Look, I'm sorry for spying on you.' the panda continued.

Unmoved, Tigress stayed in her place. She looks around, studying the oddly still Jade Palace. Why was it so silent?

Suddenly, Po clumsily bumped into the feline. Tigress slightly lost her balance but managed to stand on her feet again just in the nick of time. In a split second, Tigress spun around and caught the panda's left shoulder with her right paw before he tumbled down the Thousand steps.

'Great Wall of China!' Po exclaimed, then chuckled nervously. 'Please don't let go.'

'I'm good with you sneaking up on me for two days.' Tigress remarked. 'But you spying on me for two hours? No.'

The panda whimpered as Tigress held his shoulder, leaving him hanging on a staggering two-hundred-meter-high fall on the valley. 'Let's talk about this after you get me up, shall we?'

'Let's say I might get you up and forgive you if you tell me when and why you spied on me.' Tigress said calmly.

'Hold on to the might,' Po mumbled. 'The answer is no- I can't tell you.'

Tigress raised a brow. 'Alright, then.'

Po screamed as Tigress let go of his arm.

'TIGRESS!' a voice shouted behind her. It was Shifu.

The feline reached out and caught the falling panda's paw, pulling him back to his feet.

'You almost killed me!' Po cried out.

Tigress sighed. 'And I'll finish the job later.' she said under her breath. They both faced Master Shifu and bowed.

Shifu turned to look at Po scrutinizingly. 'Po! Why did you leave-'

'Master.' Tigress interjected. 'Please don't scold Po. I could not have done anything without his help. I needed him there.'

Po stared at her in awe.

'I was not about to give him another chastising.' Shifu corrected. 'Rather, I was about to thank him. But first, Po! Why did-'

'PO!?' Four other voices said at once.

Shifu soughed. 'When will I ever finish?'

Carne, Viper, Mantis and Monkey came running out of the palace.

'What's this?' Po wondered innocently. It was the second time this day that someone came to him with a hug attack- first, at the valley, then now here.

'Were you with Tigress all this time?'

'Don't you ever leave again without telling us!'

'The whole valley thought you disappeared!'

'Mr. Ping went crazy mad.'

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