News Report #1

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???: Thank you all for tuning in for this morning's news broadcast!

???: Thank you all for tuning in for this morning's news broadcast!

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Micheal: I'm Micheal Francis!

Lulu: And I'm Lucinda Cinnamon! And you're watching

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Lulu: And I'm Lucinda Cinnamon! And you're watching...

Both: The 7:30am Imaginative News Network!

Micheal: Where we take you closer to the action than anyone is legally allowed to!

Micheal: Where we take you closer to the action than anyone is legally allowed to!

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Micheal: Making News headlines this morning is an Imaginasian who is attempting to rob a... *reads news report* a Coffee factory with... a teabag...? Not the weirdest we've seen, right Lulu?

Lulu: You said it, Mike! Over to Reporter Annabelle Smile for more! Ann, what's happening down there!

Lulu: You said it, Mike! Over to Reporter Annabelle Smile for more! Ann, what's happening down there!

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Annabelle: Thank you, Lulu. It is pure pandemonium down here with many people being held hostage inside the factory itself!

Guy: *faintly yelling* I just wanted to make a cup of tea!

Annabelle: Authorities have been alerted when Clive McCanon, aged 26, broke into the "Caffeine Rich" coffee factory earlier this morning. Security footage shows he attempted to rob the factory whilst using a teabag as his weapon of choice.

*Cut to Clive's POV*

John: Hey dude, look! Something about hostages at the coffee factory.

Clive: John, that's us.


Clive: What? No! We came here for some milk and hot water, you're not being held hostage!


*Back to Annabelle*

Annabelle: We're now being alerted that the police have shown up to bargain the safe release of the hostages right now! We'll be right back with more updates as the situation escalates!

Micheal: Thank you, Ann! Now, over to Trent Cloud with the forecast!

Micheal: Thank you, Ann! Now, over to Trent Cloud with the forecast!

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Trent: Ha ha ha.... Thank you, Micheal! Good morning, Imagination City! I'm Trent Cloud, bringing you today's weather forecast. Let's dive into the details:

In the Writer's District, expect clear skies and a comfortable temperature of 72°F (22°C). It's a perfect day to let your creativity soar.

Heading over to Filmer's Bay, we're seeing a mix of sun and clouds with temperatures reaching a balmy 75°F (24°C). It's a great day to capture some cinematic shots, but keep an eye out for a light breeze coming from the southwest at 8 mph.

Meanwhile, in the Artist's Alley, we're experiencing some scattered showers with temperatures around 68°F (20°C). Make sure to grab your raincoat and umbrella if you're planning to stroll through this creative hub.

Over in the Tech Hub, it's a bright and sunny day with temperatures climbing to a warm 80°F (27°C). Expect a gentle breeze from the northeast at 5 mph, perfect weather for some outdoor innovation.

And that's your Imagination City weather report for today. Remember to stay tuned for any updates throughout the day. Stay safe and enjoy the weather, folks! Back to you two.

Lulu: Thank you Trent. In other news, the Mayor of Imagination City has provided millions of Kóbri to various health charities across the city, a fire has broken out in the western section of Singer's Haven, causing many injuries, but thankfully, nobody has died.

Micheal: Oh, Annabelle has an update for us from the factory! Back to you, Annabelle!

*Annabelle is seen inside the factory, surrounded by other people who are upset*

Annabelle: Well, the situation here has devolved into a massive hostage capture, with many members of the police force now trapped, as well as myself and the cameraman. And you two, readers! However, there is help on the way, as Imagination City's most famous CEO is coming to help us out! Wait.... How did we become hostages again...?

*cut to Twisted*

Twisted: So.... You want ME, a guy who can't win an argument with his own MOTHER, to go sort out a hostage situation? I'm sorry.... What?

Tobias: Look, my gir- er.... A friend of mine is in there, okay?

Twisted: *sighs* The things I do...

*back to Micheal*

Micheal: We hope we see you safe and sound, Annabelle! We at the studio are praying for you! Unfortunately viewers, that's all the time we have. We will return to the air at 9am today. This has been Micheal Francis....

Lulu: And Lucinda Cinnamon...

Both: This is Imaginative News Network! See you soon!

*fade to black*

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