argument between siblings

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Y/n's pov

At 8:35 on a Saturday night i was in my room stitting on my bed writing i my diary that i for almost a year now and i'm writing about what happended yesterday at school as i was done i heard knock on my door with the voice of my brother asking if he can come in i quickly close my diary and put it in a drawer where i kept my vape yeah i vape to realse stress from the bullying at school and from the stress at home i beening doing for about 2 months now nobody knows but anyways i said yes come in and he open the door and came in and close the door behiend him and sat my bed and we started talking about random stuff and i said hay bertolt how did you get those marks on your arm his eyes widen when i ask that oh um i scratch myself by accident he said are you sure it wasn't on purpose i said no it wasn't he said alkay anyways are we ever going to tell mom and our friends about what been happening i mean we told them about that i pointed at his scar on his bottom lip that lyssy gave him is it about time we told the turth by now i said.

i know and will just not now mabye next time he said alkay but we to tell her as soon as possible because we can't let this go on for much longer and i don't want to see you hurt again by that woman i said don't worry we will tell soon alkay he said and i nod in agreement anyways are you still about what meranda and her friends said to you and about what happended yesterday he said will kind of yes it just there nothing wrong with a gothic style we all are different in our own ways some people are so narrow minded i said hay i know i said this before but when are you going pass you goth style phase you been in this phase for 2 years now he said.

bertolt i told you before this is not a phase i'm going throght i like dressing this way why don't you understand that i said i do understand but all dark colors and make-up it not usually a normal style that people would choose he said oh so you're saying i have bad choice of style is that what you're saying i said now getting annoyed no it not that it just so unsual and so different he said oh so you're saying that me dressing different is bad there nothing wrong with beening different i said now annoyed yes i know that he said then what are you trying to say then tell me i said now mad that maybe you probably dress like everyone else he said then covered his mouth regretting what he said no i didn't mean it y/n he said really cause it sound like you meant it i said angrly why can't you just let me myself why don't you understand that i said cause it came out of nowhere all of sudden he said i know it was all of sudden but mom and dad don't mind and lyssy doesn't care and our friends don't mind ether i said angerly i know that but what about other people at school bertolt said.

i don't care what other people think of my style i said mabye you should he said why shoud i care of what other people think is it beacause of what meranda and her friends said i said angerly no it not that he said then what is it just tell me tht turth i said it because this not exactly normal and it makes you look depressed bertolt said then covered his mouth again regretting what he said oh my i'm sorry i didn't mean it seriously cause it sound like you did and what make you i'm depressed just because i dress like this and didn't you told me i was normal no matter how i dress i shouted i did but usually when people dress like that usually they are depressed he said wow that been judgemental are you judging me i shouted no i'm just worried that you are he said will i'm not i can't believe my own brother is judging me for beening myself it bad enough i have to face it at school and now at home it like no one accepting me for me get out of my room i shouted
y/n i'm sorry i didn't mean to make you feel judged i really am sorry he said i don't want hear right now just get out of my room i said and he left my room and i lead down on my bed and took out my vape from my drawer took about 3 puffs then put it back un my drawer and looked the time and saw it was 9:30 and decited to go to sleep.

Bertolt's pov

As i left y/n room feeling bad for what i said as went back to my room and close the door behiend me and lead down on my bed thinking about what i said man was i thinking saying those things to her so mess up of me to say those words i said to myself she is right i got to accept that she not going thought a phase i see that now why didn't i see that before? i guess i was just in denial and i sound just like what meranda and hers friends when i said those things to y/n gosh i feel so bad was i thinking esaplly when i told her she is normal no matter she dress. i meant it when i said i didn't mean it though i really was sorry i need to say it again tommrow right now it late and she probaly still mad at me for what i said she probaly think i was lying but i wasn't lying i said to myself and went to sleep shortly afterwords

aothor note

The song silent scream is sing by annblutube it a really good song and i thought the song will go will with this chapter

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