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Hello, everyone! My name is Benedict. I am not a part of the species ‘Homo sapiens’ or any kind of living creature on this earth. I am an angel. I came here because God sent me to earth to learn the meaning of ‘love’. God cursed me because of my wrong actions in heaven, and he also told me that the diamond locket on my neck will automatically shine when I learn from my experience on earth. So, I decided to find the meaning of love because only then could I go back to heaven. 
I thought that I could learn the meaning of love from humans. So, I decided to follow them. I walked behind many ‘couples’ because I believed that the meaning of love must be ‘romance’, ‘coitus’, and ‘being in a relationship with someone’. But at last, they all ended up showing me ‘hate’ and ‘conflicts’. Earth is really a strange place to live. I don't know why I think like this. Maybe because I can't understand these human beings! But one day, it happens. As usual, I have been searching for the meaning of my journey. At last, I reached a place named ‘Koonammavu’ in India. On a pocket road, I saw two good-looking, fair-skinned young men. Both are wearing attractive casual outfits. From their body structure and looks, I guessed that both must be teenagers. I don't know why. I got the inner thought that if I followed them, I would get whatever I wanted because they could see me only if I wished. So, I followed them. While walking, one of the boys took an electronic device from his pocket and said, 'Oh, my mobile phone is ringing. I understood that it is called ‘ amobile phone’. He was talking to someone on his mobile phone. I understood that it helps humans communicate with each other. 

“Hey, I am kind of busy now. I will call you later!”
He said this to the person that he was speaking to.

Then he cut the call and put his phone back in his pocket. And then he placed his right arm on the other guy's shoulder. 

“You are so lucky! Being single is the best, Ronald, because my girlfriend always irritates me by calling me every time.”
He said this to Ronald. 

Ronald replied and chuckled.

“Whatever, I just leave it, Arun. Today is Sunday; let's go for an outing. How is it?”
Ronald asked. 

“That's a good idea. We can go for an outing in the evening because it's a sunny day. I am already sweating.”
He replied genuinely. 

Said by Ronald. 

From their conversation, I understood that their names are ‘Arun’ and ‘Ronald’. They continued walking. Arun confused me. 

“Oh my god, how can I find it? Why did you send me to this earth? Is love really irritating?”
I asked myself. 

But after a few minutes, I saw a vehicle; humans called it ‘Truck’. It was parked near the pocket road. A hopeless dog was trapped inside it. I felt so sorry for him when I saw that dog's hopeless face. I really wanted to help the dog, but I decided to check what Arun and Ronald were going to do. Arun shakes Ronald. 

“Hey, look at that poor dog trapped inside that truck.”
Arun said to Ronald:

“So....? That's none of our business.”
Ronald replied.

“Come on. It's a living creature; let's help that poor dog.”
Arun said. 

“Damn man, just leave it; it will become a headache for us!”
Ronald shouted. 

Then I saw Arun giving Ronald a sharp look. 

Ronald asked doubtfully. 

“Nah, you can do whatever you want. I am going to help that poor creature; otherwise, those cruel people will kill that poor dog.”

I understand that Arun is very kind-hearted and that Ronald is very mean and selfish. I believed that I would get something from Arun. 

Arun went near the truck, 

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 13 ⏰

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