Chapter 6: Shoot! Shoot?

Start from the beginning

Isn't that?...

The person who was flying with wings, suddenly had a pink arrow appear on his hand as he placed it on the bow and pointed directly at Hyunjin and him.

"Sunbae?" Hyunjin called as for Chan to look at Hyunjin again.

"Huh... what did you ask me?" Chan asked again, he can't help but glance again at the man with the wings having his arrow still pointed at them.

Was he gonna shoot them? Wait who is this guy? and why did the arrow just appear in his hand??

"I asked if you're free this saturday, would you like to help me with something?" Hyunjin asked again, waiting for an answer.

"Um, yeah sure I'm free. Hyunjin watch out!" Chan's eyes widened as the man with the arrow finally shoots the arrow and suddenly Chan and Hyunjin was pierced with the arrow.

At the same time, a kid running passed by the two.

Chan felt like he cannot breathe because of how his heart was pounding like crazy.

"Oh, thank you sunbae. The kid could've been hurt." Hyunjin looks at the kid and at Chan.

What?... Chan suddenly stared at the arrow pierced on them and suddenly it was changed to black and crushed down, turning into ashes.

"So see you this saturday, sunbae? I gotta go and meet someone who need my help too." Hyunjin continued.

Wait what? The arrow...wait why did it disappear.

Hyunjin pats his shoulder and slowly leaves Chan in his position.

Chan can still feel his heart thumping so fast, the arrow faded but he was still feeling the effect of it.

"What... the... How?"

Chan turned his head toward a familiar voice and hissed when the light was too bright, Chan had to cover his eyes. The person with wings and glowing light approaches Chan and it made him a little scared about what's happening.

Chan had a clear view of the man and his eyes widening again seeing who it is. It's the guy... His silver hair, silver grayish blue eyes. The same guy he saw at the theatre, with his brown hair and almond eyes. The... trainee?

"The arrow of destiny... why did it not connect the two?" Minho asks out of the blue while looking at Chan then to Hyunjin from afar.

Huh?? What did he mean?

"Excuse me, what? Arrow of destiny?" Chan asks, he was so full of curiosity and confusion.

Minho stared at him, contemplating but he was thinking of the same thing.

"Yes, the arrow of destiny. It's the arrow that will fully match you with your soulmate." Minho answered and rubbed his head, it was worrying him even more.

"Soulmate? Excuse me, who are you?" Chan asked again, much more confused of what this guy meant.

"I'm the god of love. More like one of the gods of love. They call me cupid. And that guy right there was your soulmate, Hwang Hyunjin." Minho explained himself and grabbed something out if thin air while opening the folder and reading it while searching for something.

Cupid?? They're real?

Chan just stared at him, his eyes widening in shock again. Cupid? He's cupid? They're real. Is he joking? Cupids are known for being the ones to match soulmates perfectly and without  a flaw. That makes the matching couple being stronger and spending their time for longer years.

Chan is just desperate to meet the one and even the person that was his destined soulmate can't even be perfectly matched on to him. And he calls himself cupid? For goodness' sake, the heavens had to give him a cupid uncapable to match him?

"For a cupid, you're pretty dumb." Chan scoffed and grumbled on the corner.

"Excuse me? I am not dumb! Although, I do know I am pretty." Minho replied and snapped at him, causing Chan to flinch suddenly, the cupid's hair was growing red instead of silver.

"It doesn't explain why you failed to shoot the arrow." Chan defended, rolling his eyes at the cupid.

For a cupid, he does have the looks and he has the physique, Chan wouldn't really deny that this man might really be cupid. Everything around this creature of being a cupid just makes sense. Except the perfectly shot of an arrow part.

"I never miss any shot. Whatever the reason is, I am going to find out about it. And I am going to get Hwang Hyunjin and you together!" Minho closes the folder and grumbled at him as well.

Minho also rolled his eyes and stared at Chan with annoyance.

"Why am I worried that this will end up as a disaster?.." Chan chuckled bitterly and just brushed his hair back in frustration.

Minho glares at him even more and thinks. And then it clicked him suddenly.

"Wait... I'm in my angel form.... YOU CAN SEE ME?" Minho's eyes widened in return.

"See you? I've been seeing you everywhere. It's like the universe just wants to piss me off by always seeing you." Chan replied and huffs.

"What...?" Minho stared at him in shock before he suddenly appeared in his human form, without wings.

Chan was in awe seeing the cupid in a different form. More... human.

"Shit... you're surreal... I must be dreaming." Chan gasped and started hitting his own self.


A/n: Felt like losing my own self these days...

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 14 ⏰

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