Chapter Two

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"Death Watch," I muttered under my breath, recognizing their Mandalorian helmets and sleek armor.
"You got what we need?" She asked him.
"Yes," Lux replied.
What was he doing?
"Who's this?" The woman asked Lux, looking at me. at least I think she was, it's hard to tell with the helmets.
"Uh..she's my...." Lux hesitated.
"Betrothed," I added with a grin, nudging Lux with my elbow to go along with it.
"Hmmm," the Death Watch woman said. I don't think she believed us. She scanned me up and down. "a little skinny, isn't she?" She said walking behind me, and then she spanked me!
I exclaimed in surprise, but she just laughed. I raised my fists, but Lux stepped between us.
"She serves her purpose," he said. Oh my god, that's the creepiest thing I've ever heard.
I saw R2 coming out of the ship with my lightsabers, and I shook my head and he hid them. I just hope the Death Watch didn't see.
"We leave now," she said, brushing past me. "snow is coming."
I grabbed Lux's arm. "what have you gotten us into?"
"It's all under control," he said with a reassuring tone.
"But these are the Death Watch! Their Mandalorian terrorists, they'll kill us both-" I was cut off by a Death Watch soldier. "You coming?" He asked in a rough voice.
"Yes," Lux replied quickly.

"Uh, I should stay with the ship," I said, backing away.

"No," The soldier said, "You're coming too."

I was going to protest, but they picked up R2 and carried him into one of their speeders.

I had no another choice but to follow. I walked to one of the speeders and got on, with one of the Death watch soldiers. We stayed behind Lux the entire ride. He looked over his shoulder at me, and I gave him a look that said, "I'm going to kill you."

When we arrived at the Death Watch camp, I saw other soldiers shooting at different kinds of droids, and some other soldiers sparring with each other.

When the speeders stopped, I was more than happy to get off. I stood next to Lux and crossed my arms.

"The boss will see you inside," The Death Watch woman said to us, gesturing to a tent with a sweeping motion of her arm.
Lux and I stepped inside the tent.
"Don't ruin my plan, okay?" Lux said once we were inside alone.
"Plan? What plan?"
He turned to me with a serious look on his face. " this, " he said, pointing to a band on his wrist, " is ba holotrace device. It can track to origin of any holo transmission. I knew that if I accused Dooku of murder back on Mandalore, than I would be brought to face him. Well, it worked. And now I know Dooku's exact location. If the Death Watch can move fast enough, we can destroy him!"
He grabbed my shoulders. I didn't like it. "Is that enough of a plan for you?" He smiled.
I shrugged him off. " This is not some sort of idealistic political group! They will take the information and kill you!"
Lux backed up a little and sighed. " I knew you wouldn't understand."
Now he just sounded like a child. How could he possibly understand me- he's only met me twice!
I had to convince him of the truth.
" The Death Watch are murderers! Sworn to destroy the Jedi! You don't know what your doing-"
That was all I could say before he wrapped his arms around me and literally pulled me forward so my lips met his. This was insane. I tried to pull him off but he wouldn't let go.
Then I heard some one's voice behind me.
" Am I... Interrupting something? " it said
I finally managed to push Lux off me. He looked suprised.
"Uh.. No, of course not," lux stammered. "We were just... Uh...."
I gave him a look.
" Its time to talk business, " the mandalorian said, taking off his helmet, to reveal the scarred face of Pre Vizsla. Oh no.

He looked at me and I looked down. "Tell your woman to leave us."
Without a second though, I gave a small nod and quickly exited the tent.
This was my chance. If I could sneak around the Death Watch guards while Lux was busy with Vizsla, I could steal a speeder bike and get back to the ship. I had to tell Anakin what had happened. But as soon as I stepped outside, the female Death Watch warrior I'd seen earlier, who I'd learned was called Bo-Katan, was standing right outside the tent and spotted me before i could get away. "Where do you think you're going?" She said to me and before I had time to answer she grabbed me by the elbow into another tent. She opened the tent and shoved me in, laughing as I stumbled to the ground.
She was going to pay.
I got up quickly and raised my fists. "Try that again and I'll-"
But I felt someone grab my arm.
"You don't want to make them angry!"
I turned to see a Ming-Po woman who looked to be about my age. I laughed slightly before sitting down beside her. "What's your name?" I asked her.
"Tryla," She responded.
"I'm Ahsoka. Where are you from?"
I asked, also referring to the other women around me.
"We were kidnapped from a nearby town. We are a simple people. We trust easily, and we were betrayed."
Before I could reply, a death watch soldier entered the tent.
"Prepare the food!" He demanded, "your masters are hungry."
I was so close to losing my head in anger. I don't know how much longer I can last in this horrible place.

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