A New Beginning

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Three Months Later...

Most people say that college is the perfect time to reinvent yourself. Move-in week had simultaneously been fun and a nightmare. A fun nightmare, if you would. On the one hand... I found out that Shaz and I were going to live in the same dorm. Before we broke up, I suggested that we apply for the best dorm on campus, and we both got in. I also rushed for a sorority, but I didn't get a bid. Guess they thought I was too depressed and annoying to be part of their paid fan club.

On the other hand, it felt nice to be out of my bed. My whole summer was a bit of a flop. I didn't do anything other than eat ice cream, sleep, code, and rewatch The Vampire Diaries for the fifth time. Although... I still hadn't made any friends yet.

Today was the first day of classes, and somehow during registration, I managed to get all the classes I wanted. Apparently, not everyone had the same luck. I overheard some girls on my floor saying that they were on the waitlist for most of their classes.

I felt antsy. I had no idea what to wear, and although I had gotten into the best dorm on campus... it seemed like I got the worst room. Our AC was already broken. And I got a weird roommate. I wasn't the type to make fun of anyone for being weird, or even judge them (okay, maybe the tanties that tried to get with the young guys at Trini house parties), but she was strange.

Every morning during move-in week, she woke up at five in the morning, sat on the floor, and plucked the same three chords on her guitar until I got fed up enough to shower and leave for the day. I hadn't seen her go to any of the freshman welcome activities, either.

As for Shaz... I was trying my best to not see him. Although, considering that we lived in the same building, I felt lucky that I hadn't seen him yet.

God, it was so damn hot in here. It was like EAU was trying to boil us alive like crawfish or something. My pits were already two swamps, and I just showered not even ten minutes ago. But at least I had something to look forward to today.

The first meeting for Game On! was today, and my game was ready to flaunt. Game On!'s admittance of freshman was rare, but if I played my cards right, I had a good chance of getting in. And... I was also shooting for a team lead role. If I could manage to get both... I'd simply die.

After standing in front of my wardrobe for a few minutes, I finally decided to throw on my favorite tee and a pair of jeans. But... I had to put some effort into my appearance, right? It was the first day, after all.

Slapping on some makeup, I glanced at myself in the mirror. Wow, this was exactly how every Wattpad fanfiction started. The girl criticized her gorgeous, blonde locks and perfect little nose before her mother screamed at her to get ready. Well, I didn't have a mother, and I felt beautiful.

On the way out, I locked the door and took a deep breath. In, out... Today was a new beginning, and I controlled how it went. Not Shaz, not anyone else.

My first class was a twenty-minute walk from my dorm, but I made it a little more bearable in the sweltering August heat by listening to my favorite band's new album. By the time I got to the building, I was sweaty, but in an optimistic mood.

When I walked in, the lecture hall was packed. I checked the time. There were still five minutes until the lecture started, and it was so full? I sat all the way in the back in the first open seat that I spotted, and I immediately realized why it was empty. The guy I sat next to reeked. He smelled awful.

I looked over at him. His shirt was completely soaked with sweat, especially his back. I almost grabbed my bag and braved the rest of the lecture hall in search of a less stinky seat, but as soon as I got up, the professor started talking.

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