chapter two

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"Hello???!? Hellloooo!!", Justin heard a voice shout
The floor beneath him felt like a wooden platform, but with planks with small gaps in between them.

Justin shuffled a little bit before opening his eyes.
His head hurt so bad. It was a throbbing, aching pain.

He looked at his surroundings. He was in a domed building in the rainforest, and standing above him was a RainWing.

Over by a desk in the middle of the building was a NightWing

'OOHHH. that's deathbringer. I think.'

"Uh, hello?", the RainWing said.

He got up and looked her in the eyes

"Oh, hello.", Justin said awkwardly.

"Whats your name?", he quickly added on while fidgeting around.

"Glory. Queen Glory.", Glory responded.

Glory quickly walked back to the desk in the middle, and Justin followed awkwardly.

Just then, an idea popped into Justin's head
'Hehe, I finished reading Dragonslayer a while ago. I'm gonna call Deathbringer Murderbasket'

"OH, hey Murderbasket", Justin said quickly with a sly grin tugging at the corners of his mouth.
Deathbringer grimaced before opening his mouth in shock that someone's knows that nickname.

"How the hell do you know that", Deathbringer asked in genuine shock, clearly exasperated.
"Cuz if you know that I'm afraid of what you know about me", Deathbringer added on.

Deathbringer was clearly tense, fidgeting with his talons.

"Don't worry", Justin said with a goofy grin, clearly laughing at the situation.

Glory sighed and then spoke up. "Can we get to the point of this conversation? Why were you acting so strange in THAT part of the rainforest. Were you looking for the hole to the NightWing Kingdom?". Glory looked thoroughly bored.

"Ughh, no? I don't know how I got there, I just woke up there with little memory of what happened before." That was a lie, of course, but Glory didn't need to know that.

"Oh. What's your name, mysterious RainWing", Glory said sarcastically, just like in the books.


Justin eagerly waited to ask the question he wanted to ask, his scales turning a bright orange, and him shifting around.

"Can I go to Jade Mountain???", Justin eagerly asked, clearly excited for a response.

Glory looked surprised for a split second, before her face turned to normal.
"Sure, I mean we don't have any SkyWings in the Jade Winglet, so we could surely have a Rainwing instead of a Skywing"

Justin bounced up and down

'Let's go!!!!  Aughh but I really wish I had Tylenol right now, my head hurts.'

And soon, Justin was off. He had gotten a map of Pyrria from Queen Glory, so he could see it was about a 4 hour flight.

But right now, he was at the rainforest edge, overlooking a field. He began to fly, a feeling of freedom and awe encompassed him as he flew, which was something he could never do as a human.

As he flew, he began to do tricks in the air, and in a couple hours, he began to see Jade Mountain approaching.

"Oh, wow, it's beautiful.", he said to himself as he approaches the two peaks. He spotted a sign that he couldn't read from the distance.

From the books, he guesses that this was the "Welcome, Students!" Sign near JMA's entrance.

As Justin got closer, he swooped down to the entrance and remembered the piece of parchment with the "LET him go to school, -- Glory" message on it and he snorted slightly.

He found the message slightly amusing.

As he walked into the entrance of JMA, he saw who was presumably Fatespeaker reading a scroll and the entrance. He awkwardly walked up to the entrance desk and tapped it, making Fatespeaker jump.

"You're Fatespeaker, right?", he asked, remembering the books.

Fatespeaker nodded.
"Yesh, how can I help you?", she asked curiously.

"Ah, well see, I have this letter from Queen Glory to let me go to school in the Jade Winglet in place of the Skywing.". Justin promptly pulled out the letter, showing Fatespeaker.

Fatespeaker looked curiously, before responding while crossing her arms.

"Alright, let me inform Tsunami"

She walked away before coming back with a blue SeaWing.

She sighed before giving him a glare.

"Alright. I'll allow it.", she said.

Justin jumped up and down, his scales turning pink.

"Let's goo!!!", he shouted excitedly.

Tsunami snorted. "Your dorm number is dorm 213. Your classmates are Qibli and Turtle", Tsunami retorted.

'Oh, my, god. Qibli is my favorite character.
This could change everything, and if I'm right, this takes place at the begginging of arc 3, sooo.'

Justin ran down the tunnels to find the dorm, rushing into it.

Qibli and Turtle both snapped their heads up.
"I'm your new clawmate!"


Whew, that's finally written.
Hydrate, have fun, and go outside


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