Chapter Five

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The train journey to Tokyo would be quite long, and Y/N thought about what he would do once he made it into the big city. In all honesty, he hadn't really formulated that part of his plan yet, but what he did know was that in the city, he had many more opportunities than he did in a rural area like the village he had come through and the village that he had seen. He must have, because why else would a city be so large and prosperous?

Not really having much else to do on the train, he took out his sketchbook once more. The only things he had were his sword, this book and the money he had stolen, after all. Flipping through the pages, he no longer smiled at the pictures inside. Instead, he felt a profound sense of loss, and his heart ached whenever he saw an image of a family member. When he flipped to that drawing of his father that he once marvelled at, the scene of him being killed brutally just replayed itself. He turned away quickly, flipping to the page that contained his drawing of his village before it was attacked.

Looking at it, Y/N realised that at the very least, he would never forget what his home once looked like. The delicate lines made by his pen would never fade, serving as a memoir for what he lost. He fought back tears once more as he placed his book away, deciding not to make himself more sad.

Despite it being Y/N's first time ever on a train, he quickly grew bored of what he could see out of the window. It was ever-changing, but he had always thought that the outside world would be more... different to his village and what he was used to. All he could see was the usual greenery, with a bunch of fields and trees. His eyebrows furrowed as the previous feeling when he was walking through the forest returned.

"Is there anything else actually out there? Is it just a lie?" He thought.

Shaking his head, Y/N decided to just close his eyes and try to get some more sleep.


As he felt his eyes opening, Y/N took a look outside the train window once more. Right away, he felt much more awake than he usually did when he woke up.

Outside, he saw what had to be dozens of buildings all connected to each other. It certainly was a sight to behold for him. And he saw so many people... all new faces, and there were even more of them than it seemed there were buildings. He couldn't help but stand up right there in his compartment and stare out of the window.

Like a blur, houses, shops and so much more zipped past him as the train chugged along, leaving a trail of steam in his wake. Y/N's earlier doubts had very rapidly been chased from his mind. With a place as huge and prosperous as this city was... Y/N was positive that he could live up to the life that his parents had left for him. In a place like this, he felt like he was overflowing with opportunities.

Y/N sat himself back down at his seat, unable to wipe his smile from his face. He was about to explode in a fireball of happiness thinking about how amazing the place he would stop at would be.

"Yoshiwara District, here I come..."

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 12 ⏰

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