"Well, well, well. I feel so disrespected, you looking at other females while your partner is here. What a shame."

Her words, tinged with admonition, served as a stark reminder of my indiscretion, prompting a flush of embarrassment to creep across my cheeks. As I struggled to find words to offer an explanation, I couldn't help but marvel at the captivating aura she exuded, her mere presence leaving an indelible impression upon me.

Hold up tho did she said partner or I'm just hallucinating. Am I? I mean, can't be a beautiful girl calling me her partner I'm really hearing things.

She stood before me, her arms folded beneath her ample bosom, an imposing figure whose presence commanded attention. With a subtle shift of her stance, her silhouette revealed curves that seemed to defy gravity, drawing my gaze involuntarily.

Cascading locks of vibrant red hair framed her face, cascading down her back in a lustrous cascade that spoke of careful maintenance and an eye for detail.

Her piercing gaze, a shade of light blue akin to the clearest summer sky, bore into me with an intensity that made me instinctively shrink back against the wall, feeling exposed under her scrutiny.

With a resigned sigh, she turned away, her departure marked by the soft rustle of fabric and the echo of her footsteps against the floor. As she exited through the same door I had entered, I couldn't help but admire the uniform she wore—a striking ensemble that set her apart from the rest of the student body.

Her white jumper, extending just below her hips, was paired with a long-sleeved black tie adorned with delicate white stripes, exuding an air of sophistication and authority. A black and red dress coat, complemented by sleek black plastic gloves and a meticulously tailored black and gold jacket, completed her ensemble with an unmistakable sense of style.

As I observed her departure, I couldn't shake the feeling of awe and admiration that her presence had left in its wake, leaving me to wonder about the mysteries concealed beneath the surface of this enigmatic institution.

Leaning back against the wall, I closed my eyes, seeking solace in the brief respite from the waking world. But tranquility was short-lived as a familiar voice pierced through the haze of sleep. "Jadelyn, get up already!" The urgency in the tone spurred me into action, rousing me from my momentary reprieve.

Returning to consciousness felt abrupt, like being yanked from the depths of a dream. As my eyes fluttered open, I was greeted by Jade's determined gaze, ablaze with a sense of urgency.

"Why do you always sleep in so much? We need to get ready for our first day at the school," she declared, her arms folded in a stance of authority that was so typical of her, embodying a maternal role in our sibling relationship.

Who were you dreaming about, or did you just have a morning wood?" she teased with a smirk, her eyes sparkling mischievously. I couldn't help but blush and instinctively cover myself as I realized my morning arousal.

"I-It's just a morning wood..." I stammered, feeling the heat rise in my cheeks, embarrassed by the situation.

"So you say, sister. Happy birthday!" Jade exclaimed, launching herself into a tight hug. It was our birthday, a day we both shared and celebrated together.

"Happy birthday to you too," I replied, planting a gentle kiss on her forehead. She was more than just a sister; she was my rock, even if she could be a bit intimidating at times.

"Mum says to get ready. Take a shower, and when you come out, your uniform will be waiting on your bed, courtesy of one of the maids. Then join us downstairs for breakfast," Jade instructed as she got off the bed. I nodded in acknowledgment, ready to start the day.

After stepping into my luxurious bathroom, I marveled at its opulence. It was hard to believe that this was now mine.

First order of business: attend to my personal needs. I headed to the toilet to take care of business.

Once done, I shed my clothes and stepped into the refreshing cascade of the shower. Twenty minutes later, feeling revitalized, I emerged, toweling off and promptly tending to my oral hygiene.

As I stepped out of the bathroom, I noticed a maid arranging my uniform on the bed. Sneaking up behind her, I thanked her for her service. She turned, a blush creeping across her face before she swiftly departed.

I guess my sexiness made her go? Me and my delusional.

Examining my uniform, I couldn't help but notice its striking resemblance to the attire worn by the students in my dream. Was this the uniform of Xylem High Academy? Would I encounter those two enigmatic girls from my dream there?

The prospect filled me with a mixture of anticipation and uncertainty.

With a mix of nervousness and excitement swirling within me, I hoped that the jumper would provide a bit more coverage, sparing me any potential embarrassment.

Six Minutes Later

I assessed the fit of the uniform, relieved to find that it offered adequate coverage. With a smirk, I noted that my junk were safely hidden from view.

Descending the stairs to join everyone for breakfast, I observed the familiar faces gathered around the table, including my mom, Jade, and some others from the previous day. However, my attention was soon captured by a man whose presence seemed to command the room. His intense gaze met mine, accompanied by a warm smile.

"My dear daughter," he spoke, rising from his seat to embrace me.

"D-dad?" I stammered, surprised by the sudden display of affection.

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