Chapter 4

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As consciousness ebbed, I surrendered to sleep, eager to embrace the adventures that awaited.


Amidst the serene night of the Roman Castle, there lay Jadelyn, enveloped in peaceful slumber, her form nestled into the embrace of soft white and gold comforters.

In the midst of Jadelyn's slumber, she found herself once again transported to the familiar realm she had dreamed of during her human world classroom days.

The surroundings were picturesque—a tranquil pond lay before her, adorned with a graceful bridge.

Initially dismissing it as just another pond, Jadelyn turned slowly, only to be met with a sight that left her awestruck. Rising before her stood a structure resembling a castle, albeit grander in scale. It formed a U shape, with majestic dragons at its heart, their sinuous forms spouting water into an ornate fountain.

The castle—though not exactly like one—boasted hues of blue, white, and gold, lending it an otherworldly allure.

Intrigued, Jadelyn approached, eventually arriving at a pair of golden doors, reminiscent of those adorning the Roman Castle but slightly smaller.

Pushing the doors tentatively, she was greeted by illumination within. Stepping inside, she beheld a throng of individuals clad in uniforms identical to those worn by the girls in her dreams.

Oddly, it seemed no one noticed her presence—was she invisible? As she traversed the halls, she encountered a door bearing the inscription "knock before you enter." Heeding the instruction, she rapped on the door, yet received no response. Tentatively, she turned the handle and peered inside.

Within the austere chamber of the Student Council, a voice thundered with authority as Jadelyn breached the sanctum unbidden.

"Who dares enter the Student Council Room without permission!" The proclamation reverberated off the wooden walls, its resonance sending a shiver down Jadelyn's spine.

Lifting her head slowly, Jadelyn found herself confronted by six individuals seated in a U-shaped formation around a wooden table, each adorned with a red pin symbolizing their position.

Her gaze then fell upon two captivating figures—the very girls from her dream! The redhead, whom she presumed to be the president, her lips twitched with impatience, adding an extra layer of tension to the already charged atmosphere. Did she not recognize Jadelyn?

Meanwhile, the black-haired girl from her dream maintained a calm, almost serene expression, a faint smirk playing upon her lips.

In a flurry of panic, I found myself bowing and offering apologies before swiftly darting out of the room, my heart pounding with uncertainty. The corridors blurred as I sprinted, my mind racing with questions and doubts. Was this a mere figment of my imagination, or had I stumbled into a reality stranger than any dream?

Abruptly, I burst through a door, finding myself confronted by the sight of a vast pool surrounded by students indulging in leisurely activities. As my eyes scanned the scene, I couldn't help but be drawn to the captivating figures of the female students, their curves and allure capturing my attention.

Lost in reverie, I seated myself in a quiet corner, my gaze lingering on the feminine forms that filled the space. Their supple curves and voluptuous bosoms held a mesmerizing allure, igniting a primal fascination within me.

However, my musings were abruptly interrupted by a voice—a melodic yet reproachful tone that shattered the tranquility of the moment. Startled, I turned to find myself face to face with the very person I had been fleeing—the red-haired beauty whose presence exuded an air of authority and elegance.

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