Chapter 1

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Over eighteen years ago, a cataclysmic conflict erupted-a war of unparalleled magnitude waged between the supernatural and the highly rise, beings transcending even the most potent of supernatural entities.

The genesis of this strife lay in the fervent desire of lesser supernaturals to usurp the dominion of the highly rise by seizing their potent blood-a commodity coveted for its potential to confer unrivaled sovereignty over the supernatural realm.

The highly rise, progeny of myriad supernatural lineages, possessed the innate ability to assume any supernatural guise, their veins coursing with the lifeblood of countless ancient entities. Within the hallowed confines of the kingdom of Xaylm, these celestial beings reigned supreme-a sanctuary veiled from mortal eyes, accessible only to those of supernatural ilk, particularly the esteemed highly rise.

At the dawn of this tumultuous era, amidst the tempest of conflict, King James and Queen Katherine of the highly rise welcomed twin daughters into the world-Jade and Jadelyn, their names whispered with reverence. One bore tresses of silver, the other of deepest ebony.

Faced with the encroaching maelstrom of war, the monarchs made a solemn decree-to safeguard their cherished progeny, they entrusted the twins to the sanctuary of the human realm, cloaking them in a shroud of human semblance to elude detection by envious supernaturals. For, were their true heritage to be revealed, the direst of fates would surely befall them.

As the tempest of war raged on, claiming countless lives and casting the realm into shadow, the king and queen stood resolute in their resolve to protect their offspring. Though the conflict exacted a heavy toll, leaving the kingdom depleted, the royal lineage endured, safeguarded within the embrace of the human realm.

In the wake of the conflict's cessation, the surviving supernaturals, recognizing the futility of their opposition, acquiesced to a tenuous peace-a fragile truce forged from the crucible of war.

Yet, despite the veneer of tranquility that settled over Xaylm, remnants of enmity lingered, prompting the king and queen to dispatch clandestine emissaries to ensure the safety of their progeny, monitoring their every move from the shadows.

Under the nurturing care of human guardians, the twins flourished, their tender years imbued with the warmth of familial love. Though their caretakers were but humble mortals, the twins regarded them with affection, cherishing the semblance of familial bonds.

But beneath the facade of tranquility, the longing for their true lineage gnawed at the twins' hearts, a yearning unfulfilled-a bittersweet reminder of their concealed heritage.


Jadelyn's reverie was abruptly interrupted by the resonant call of her sister's voice, pulling her from the depths of contemplation. As she cast her gaze skyward, the ethereal expanse above beckoned-an enigmatic tableau that had long captivated her thoughts.

Yet, the allure of the heavens paled in comparison to the impending rigors of the school day-their final year of high school beckoning with the promise of both challenge and resolution.

Embarking on the short journey to school with her sister, Jadelyn found solace in the familiar routine, her thoughts momentarily diverted from the enigmatic visions that had plagued her since childhood.

But as she entered the hallowed halls of academia, an inexplicable malaise settled upon her-a disquietude that eluded rational explanation. The prying gazes of unfamiliar faces only served to exacerbate her unease, casting her into a realm of isolation amidst the bustling throng.

Taking refuge in the familiarity of her locker, Jadelyn sought sanctuary amidst the chaos, her thoughts drifting to the looming specter of their shared birthday-an occasion tinged with both anticipation and trepidation.

As she ventured into her first class of the day, the presence of a mysterious newcomer elicited gasps of astonishment from her peers-a figure enshrouded in an aura of intrigue, his silver locks a testament to his enigmatic origins.

Yet, amidst the clamor of adulation that greeted his arrival, Jadelyn found herself succumbing to the lull of weariness, her eyelids heavy with the weight of impending slumber.

In the sanctuary of her dreams, she was visited by a vision of ethereal beauty-a crimson-haired maiden whose countenance bespoke an otherworldly allure. Enveloped in the embrace of her gaze, Jadelyn found herself enraptured by the tantalizing allure of her presence.

But as the maiden drew near, her voice echoing like a melody upon the wind, Jadelyn's senses were assailed by a surge of disquiet-a crimson hue suffusing her vision, a harbinger of unknown portent.

Startled from her reverie by a surge of pain, Jadelyn's world descended into chaos-a fiery sensation engulfing her senses, her eyes alight with a crimson glow.

As the agony receded, leaving naught but a lingering disquiet in its wake, Jadelyn found herself confronted by the concerned visage of her sister-a silent witness to the inexplicable turmoil that had beset her.

With trepidation gnawing at her heart, Jadelyn could only ponder the enigma of her newfound affliction-an enigma shrouded in the mysteries of her concealed heritage, and the unseen forces that conspired to shape her destiny.

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