The day I met you

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(Vaggie pov)

It's that time of year again which I dread extermination day we go down and kill sinners because of over population well that's what they say I think they just hate the sinners

"Hey Vaggasuras" Adam says

God I hate that man and that dumb nickname aswell but he's my boss after all so what can I do

"Come on its nearly time I can't wait to kill those filthy sinners" Lute says

I take a deep breath and go through the portal I mean they have to be in hell for a reason so It will be OK

"Alright girls spread out we'll meet back at the portal when it's over" Adam says as all the other exorcist start hunting

Ok you got this vaggie

(Charlie's pov)

I am sat in my room bored outta my mind I had an idea for rehabilitation but dad said it was dumb he thinks all sinners are despicable and deserve to be here but they are my people and I am safe while they could be getting hurt I need to help atleast one person

"OK keke I'm going but I'll be back soon" I say to my cat

Ok I got this how bad could it possibly be I step outside and theres exorcists everywhere I'll just sneak into the town I'm sure someone would be there I hope..

(Vaggies pov)

I've killed 20 sinners so far a decent amount I guess the extermination is over in 10 minutes anyway I'll fly around a bit so I don't get in trouble

I fly and see a sinner but its a child I've never killed a child before and I can't do it they are hellborn they don't deserve to die they are looking at me they.... look scared

"GO on quick get outta here" I whisper which makes the kid run past me that's good I feel better I feel someone grab me I wonder who it is I fell a sharp pain it hurt like hell I get turned around and its Lute I'm covered in blood SHE CUT OFF MY WINGS?...

She grabs me again and takes my eye out I see her and Adam fist pump AND THEY JUST LEAVE??? I'm alone...

(Charlie's pov)

Ok I finally made it to the town sadly I couldn't sing but whatever ILL DO IT ANOTHR DAYY but anyways I see an alleyway maybe someone's there I walk through and there's someone here OMG..

"Here lemme help you my names Charlie" I say bandaging a beautiful girl damnn~

(Vaggies pov)

I see a girl a beauty she's a blonde. she's helping me? But im a exorcist? did she say her name was Charlie?
I just give her a smile

"I'm sorry these exorcists did this to you they are cruel but your safe now" Charlie says as she gives me a warm smile

She doesn't know I'm a exorcist? I can't tell her she'll hate me or even kill me maybe she seems too sweet

"Are you new here, Do you have a place to stay?" Charlie asks still giving me that gorgeous smile damnnn

"Yeah I'm new here and no I don't have a place to stay" I say awkwardly darn this is embarrassing

"OMG YOU COULD STAY WITH MEEE I HAVE AN IDEA TO MAKE A HOTEL but everyone thinks its dumb BUT YOU CAN STAY THERE ITS ONE OF MY MUMS OLD BUILDINGS!!" Charlie says aww she's soo cuteee

"Sure I'd love to stay at your future hotel" I say but then she hugs me

(Charlie pov)


606 words

I'm glad I met you (Charlie x Vaggie)Where stories live. Discover now