Sesshomaru's Nickname

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Normal POV:

Sesshomaru-sama and InuYasha sat on the couch, staring blankly at the television. All was quiet and calm, until-

"Hey, Sesshomaru-sama!" Sesshomaru-sama turned his head slowly to the curious hanyou in front of him. "What?" He stated, coldly. "What's your nickname?"

The taiyoukai narrowed his eyes. "Pardon?" "What's. Your. Nickname?" Sesshomaru-sama almost smiled. "I don't have a nickname. I refuse to play the games you humans play." Sesshomaru-sama turned his head back to the television, but the hanyou wouldn't stop.

"Why? Why don't you like to have fun? You were boring even when we went on the funnest ride at the carnival!"

InuYasha sneered at the thought.


"InuYasha, explain to me. What is this?" Sesshomaru-sama asked, obviously unimpressed. Everything was too loud, and there were kids getting candy on top of candy. 'They're going to give themselves diabetes.' The taiyoukai told himself, grinning at the thought of the kids regretting eating so much.

"...and that's why this place is called a carnival!" InuYasha finished, obviously giving a lecture Sesshomaru-sama wasn't listening to. "I didn't hear you, InuYasha." The younger of the two growled out of frustration. "You never listen, you arrogant jack- hey!" He looked up at what looked like a car in Sesshomaru-sama's eyes.

"The 'Death Ride'! C'mon!" He snatched the taiyoukai's hand without asking. "No touching, InuYasha." "Yada Yada Yada, shut up."

Once they were at the front of the line, the hanyou had to drag the taiyoukai to the cart. "InuYasha, no." "Come on!" "No." "Just try it." "No." What he didn't know was InuYasha had already strapped them into the seat and the ride was starting. They went up...and up...and up. Once they reached the top, they--

~Timeskip brought to you by my fear of heights. (Sesshomaru: Paaaaatheeetiiiccc.)~

Let's just say, by the end of the ride, InuYasha had threw up all over Sesshomaru-sama, and the taiyoukai in question slapped the hanyou multiple times.


"That was boring anyway." InuYasha was rubbing the cheek Sesshomaru-sama had slapped that day. "Well, how about I call you..." he looked around.

He spotted the fur upon Sesshomaru-sama's shoulder.

"Furry? Fluff?..." he looked at the fur, Sesshomaru-sama's face, then back at the fur. "FLUFFY!"

The taiyoukai being examined growled. "Never call me that,"

InuYasha sighed and whimpered sadly.

" public."

InuYasha looked up, golden orbs wide open. "Really?" Sesshom---, Fluffy nodded. "Yay! Thank you, Fluffy-sama!" Fluffy-sama growled, then sighed.

"Whatever it takes to get you to be quiet."



(InuYasha: O.O
Fluffy-chan: -_-
Me: wat?
Fluffy-chan: swear to kami if you ever call me that, anywhere I will slit your throats.
InuYasha & Me: *backing out of the room holding on to each other out of fear* O.O!!!)

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