Nutella :3

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InuYasha's POV:

I strolled down the aisle. God, I hated going to the store alone. I got all of these weird looks because my ears would flap in my hat every time I'd smell something I'd like, and people would mostly snatch the hat off and touch my ears.

Which wasn't a good thing.

I walked into the snacks aisle. Maybe I could get Sesshomaru-sama to try something new. Just maybe..

I looked at a weird looking bottle. It was brown, and it said Nutella on the front. It also said it was new. Ah, what the hell.

I picked up 2 of the jars and shoved them in the basket, trying not to smile. I couldn't wait to see what Sesshomaru-sama's reaction would be!

It reached 9:30. I smiled as I heard a car pull up. He's never a second early or a second late. If be tells you he'll be there at 9:30, his ass will be there at 9:30. Not 9:31, or 9:29, but 9:30. "InuYasha.." I heard. Hehe....

"What?" I said, laying on the couch silently. He looked at me, looked at the jars on the table, and looked back at me. "What have you done this time?"

"What makes you think I've done something wrong?" He sat his suitcase down and looked around the room once more. "Something is out of place, and something smells new." I growled. Fucking perfectionist.

"I didn't do anything, I promise." His gaze landed upon me, and his eyes narrowed. "You tend to break promises often, InuYasha." He turned around and I mocked him silently from behind.

"Stop that, you look foolish."

How'd he see me?!

He walked towards the jars on the table and opened one. He sniffed it, and made an icky face. I couldn't help but laugh.

"What did you do to this, InuYasha?" He growled out. I flinched slightly and squeaked, "Nothing, I swear." His eyes narrowed. "Promise!" They narrowed to slits and I could hardly see his eyes! "I'm going to ask you one more time, and if you say 'Nothing' again, you'll be sleeping on the couch."

I gulped nervously.

"What. Did. You. Do. To. This?"

"I didn't do anything to it. Just taste it."

He growled, groaned, then sighed. "Fine. But if anything happens to me, I'm taking my anger out on you. Got it?" I nodded nervously.

What an ass.

He dipped his tongue in the jar, eating the Nutella on the inside. His facial expressions changed from "What the hell", to "Yuck", to "Hm", to "Not bad", then to "Yummy!".

I've lived with him long enough to know his expressions. Trust me.

He grabbed what was supposed to be my jar, and took them up to his room. Before he went, he turned around to me, and said, "Get 16 more of these by tomorrow, hanyou."

Then, he left.

I knew he'd like it.


Yeauh, InuYasha and 2 favorite things after MJ and DBZK...yeeaaah...anyway, hope you enjoyed!

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