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Vox hauled himself along the corridor, vision blurred, head pounding with every step he took.

He could barely see where he was going, but was unable to tell whether it was because of the darkness or the fact he was only half conscious. Maybe it was a mixture of both.

Everything was morphing into a blur of reds and pinks, each door looking identical to the last, everywhere feeling unfamiliar. He was holding onto the wall as he staggered onwards, knowing that, without the support, he would either collapse or pass out.

There was a door at the end of the corridor which seemed just a little more familiar than the others, though he couldn't put his fingers on where exactly in his memory it was from. Still, trusting his instincts, he pushed it open and stumbled into the room.

Two people were sitting on a couch, engaged in conversation, and Vox tried to walk up to them, but they seemed to somehow get further away with every step he took.

"Velvette, Val...!" He called out with a grin, his words slurred.

One of the figures stood up, the taller one, rushing forwards just in time as Vox's legs finally gave out. He was saved from falling flat on his face by a pair... two pairs of arms, holding him securely. "Vox, what the fuck?"

"Hey..." Vox drawled weakly, feeling Valentino's fingers digging into his side. Normally, it wouldn't even faze him, but he was painfully aware of the wound in his stomach, only inches away from Valentino's hand; the touch brought forwards a wave of sickening pain, and he felt his consciousness flicker again. "..I need a drink.

Valentino started to say something, but was quickly interrupted by Velvette. "No, you don't need a drink, dipshit, you need to stop bleeding all over our floor!"

"It's not as if he can help it!" Valentino argued, pointedly turning and starting to walk away, still carrying Vox. He bent down a little to whisper. "..If you pass out, can I fuck you?"

Vox was too exhausted to argue, so nodded. He didn't really care, anyway.

He could dimly hear Velvette saying something, but he couldn't figure out what exactly it was. Valentino then replied, for some reason lowering his voice from his previous shout. And for some reason, he then laughed.

Vox wasn't sure how long he lay there limply in Valentino's arms, but at some point, he felt movement, and the voices faded into a staticky buzz, his eyes closing of their own accord.


Alastor walked out of his room with a new spring in his step the next day.

Finally, he owned Vox's soul! How fun.

He was a little annoyed that Vox had insisted that Alastor couldn't torture him and broadcast his screams like he usually did when defeating a particularly powerful overlord, but he already had plans to make him change those conditions. After all, if Vox signed away his soul just for a quick lay, then Alastor could use the same tactics to make him do anything he wished.

A surprising number of the hotel residents were not only awake when Alastor walked down the main stairs, but up and about, chatting away happily, despite it being fairly early in the morning.

However, as they caught wind of his presence, they all fell into an awkward silence. Really, he thought that they had gotten past that phase!

After nearly an entire minute, Alastor decided to speak. "Whatever is the matter?"

More silence.

Everybody exchanged a knowing look, and they all looked a little scared, giving Alastor a wave of déjà vu. How funny.

Sold Your Life For A Thrust | RADIOSTATIC | Previously titled 'An Exception'Where stories live. Discover now