Chapter 49

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We all say on logs around the campfire. I sat next to Pansy while Draco and Blaise, Enzo and Theo, then Mattheo, sat by himself opposite us.

We went round the circle, asking all different questions about our love life. Suddenly, it was my turn.

"OK, let the birthday girl have it," Theo shouted

"Truth or dare y/n." Draco raised his eyebrows

"I'm going to start off easy. Truth"

"If you think that's the safe option." He rubbed his chin before saying, "What's the one place that turns you on?"

I bit my lip while I stared up at the sky "Ermm part from the obvious place, probably my neck."

"Oh yeah, anything in particular?" Draco said

I smirked at his response. "Why are you that interested?"

"Just wondering." He looked over to Pansy before giving her a cheeky wink

I frowned. "ok then,"

"Are you going to finish the question?" Theo piped up

"I'm not bothered. You could kiss my neck and tell me you need me or choke me and call me a slag either one turns me on"

The group went silent, and everyone jaws dropped apart from Mattheo, who were staring straight at me with dark eyes.

"Enzo your turn. Truth or dare?" I asked, breaking the silence.

"Ermm truth," He said, clearing his throat

I was trying to think of something when Theo jumped in

"Sorry y/n, but I'm dying to know the answer to this question. Don't worry, you're involved,"

I frowned a little and thought about what he might ask that concerned me and Enzo. My eyes went wide, and they shot to Mattheo, who hadn't taken his eyes off me. I looked back before I could open my mouth. He was already asking the question.

"What happened that night ages ago when Mattheo and y/n walked into our room and I had to leave?"


I felt my whole body going into some sort of shock. My eyes were still wide with my mouth opened slightly I was darting my eyes between Enzo who had the same expression as me to Mattheo who was smirking like he couldn't give two fucks.

"Ermm," Enzo said, letting out a noise

"Oh my word, did something happen between you three?" Pansy squealed

"By the reactions of these two and his face. I believe something happened, " Blaise said, pointing at the three of us

To be fair to Mattheo, he did say a while back that this would come out eventually.

I took a deep breath in and out before turning to Enzo.

"You might as well tell them,"

Enzos eyebrows raised. "You sure?"

I nodded, and he nodded back

"So we had a threesome,"

I've never seen Draco, Theo, Blaise, and Pansy reaction to some news like this before, but the amount of noise like questions was unreal.

Pansy hit me across the arm "How dare you keep something like this from me" she said frowning but her expression changed when she smiled and continued "I want all the details" she said wiggling her eyebrows at me.

Some of the boys tried to high five Enzo and Mattheo but they refused. Which shows the amount of respect they have for you.

"Right I think it's enough information for one night how about a quick dip in the lake?" Blaise shouted

"Sounds like a brilliant idea" Pansy said as she walked over to Draco to give him a kiss. They are so cute together.

As everyone was taking their clothes off. I felt abit uncomfortable in front of Mattheo. I know in my heart that sometimes it's just the clothes that stop me from jumping him but I've got to remember he's hurt me.

I take off my dress and shoes so I'm just in my bra and knickers and I start to walk towards the black lake.

"Let's go bitch" Pansy grabbed my hand and pulled me into the lake

The cold water was splashing against our bodies as we ran into the water. It was lovely and refreshing after the hot day we had.

Pansy found Draco, and they were all over each other like a bad rash. I shook my head and laid back in the water. I was just floating around when the water started to change.


Oh, great. I stopped lying down and lifted my head.


"So you like being choked?"

"From all the conversations we've had tonight, that's the thing you want to talk about?"

A smirk plastered his face, and he did a quick nod.

"I hate you. You know that, right?"

He swam a little closer his hand was going up and down my arm, and we were inches away from each other.

"Cause you do, princess."

He moved in closer so our noses were touching. He started to snake his hands around my waist.

"Kiss me" He said in a low husky voice


"Kiss me"

"Mattheo I"

"Don't say you can't because you can"

I move my eyes around to see if anyone is watching.

"Nobody is watching y/n. Kiss me"

"I" was the only word I could say. I wanted to but also didn't equally.

Oh fuck it. Its my birthday after all and I'll deal with my emotions in the morning.

I smashed my lips onto his and soon enough we were in perfect harmony. My hands travelled down his perfect toned turso while his was exploring my waist and neck.

I grabbed a fist full of his hair while my other hand was teasing his boxer line. But apparently two can play that game as he grabbed my breasts and neck.

He whispered in my ear "Perfect"

I snapped out of my little trance by laughter in the background followed by some splashing.

I turned to Mattheo

"That was a mistake,"

He shook his head.

"Nothing with you is a mistake."

"I can't do this, Mattheo. Not now. "

I went to swim off before he grabbed my wrist.

"Coffee in hogsmeade tomorrow?"

I nodded and swam towards the group

1014 words

Betrayal - Mattheo RiddleWhere stories live. Discover now