Chapter Eight: The Last Straw

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Sorry for any typos

                               Taylor's pov

I'm so bored right now.

Travis is supposed to be here on the 8th of January. It was currently the 27th of December. My family all came over and we had an amazing Christmas. They stayed in my house for three day before leaving back to go back home. It was amazing but now that it's all over I remain with nothing to do. Sadly, The Chiefs got knocked out of the playoffs by the Rams, so Travis was pretty disappointed about that.

I managed to cheer him up though with the fact that we would be back in each others arms sooner now. That brightened his spirits a little bit.

I texted Elizabeth on Christmas to wish her a Merry Christmas and ask her what the orphanage did on Christmas. She replied and said that they had a big party and things so that made me happy, I was glad she still got to have fun on Christmas.

I spent most of the day taking down the many Christmas decorations I had up, which took a while 'cause I love to decorate for Christmas.

After that I started binging friends which I thought would cure my boredom but it didn't work, for once.

Before I gave up on trying to cure my boredom, the phone rang and I grabbed it to see that Travis was calling.

"Hello!" I smiled laying back on the couch.

"Hello! You sound happy today." Travis replied. I shrugged, even though he couldn't see me. "I was just really bored, but now I'm not since I'm talking to you, so I'm pretty happy about that."

"Awe, I'm glad I could cure your boredom." We both laughed.

"So, what have you been up to lately?" Travis asked. "Nothing." I kept silent for a few seconds before deciding that I should go ahead tell him about the other day. "oh! Actually, guess what happened a couple days ago!"

"What?" Travis asked, clearly very curious.

"The other day, I went to the store to get groceries, and when I was heading out, I noticed this girl, no older than fifteen, crying on the sidewalk, leaning up against the wall. I talked to her for a while and she ended up telling me that her orphanage locked her out 'cause she got there a couple minutes late or something." Before I could continue, Travis cut me off. "Wait, her orphanage locked her out?" He questioned.

"Yes." I replied.

"Well, that was stupid." He scoffs. "Yes, yes it was." I nodded. "Anyway, after talking for a couple more minutes, I decided to bring her back to my house-" he cut me off again. "Wait- you brought her back to your house??" He questioned. "Yes." I replied.

"That sounds exactly like something you would do. So continue." He said.

"I brought her back to my house and made her some dinner, gave her some of my pajamas I haven't worn in a while, and let her sleep in my guest bedroom for the night. Then the next day I made her breakfast and everything, and while she was changing, I called up the orphanage to let them know I had one of their kids, and they seemed to barely care, it was crazy, I let them know I'll bring her home in the afternoon and the lady I was talking to seemed... almost disappointed that I was bringing her home at all."

"Wow, that's terrible." He replied, clearly sharing my frustration."

"Yep, it just made me mad, but she was the sweetest girl, and she was a huge fan, she told me. Her name is Elizabeth."

"Awe, well that's sweet. Have you talked to her since?" Travis asked.

"I gave her my number incase she ever needed someone to talk to. And I know it sounds stupid, but i had the weirdest feeling in my stomach when I dropped her off, I just didn't trust where she was living or anything. Just the way she acted kinda told me something was off, I guess." I sighed.

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