My empress

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"WHAT THE FUCK DO YOU MEAN I HAVE NO LEGAL ASSETS OR RIGHTS TO THE COMPANY?! IM HIS WIFE IT SHOULD GO TO ME!!!" Vixen yelled at the lawyer. "I'm sorry ma'am but it states here and was noterize that Amy gets the company and assets. "I'm going to get a new lawyer and sue that bitch!" Vixen snaps and storms off to her car. "Ooooooh that sneaky little bitch I was going to sell that company for millions!" She thought as she drove. She soon turns the car and heads to the vineyard seeing wedding decorations being put up with a sign saying:
Wedding of 
Sonic H Moon
Amy S Rose
Tomorrow at 7pm-midnight

"So shes getting married is she?" She smiled and turns back around to head home.
Fiona smiles as she and her mother come back to the vineyard wearing white and had red wine ready to throw at Amy. "I can't wait to see her face once we ruin her special day" Fiona laughs. "Same here and I will find the contracts and get Barons company back in my name." Vixen laughed. Yet once they enter the vineyard they notice that there was no wedding decorations set up anywhere. They both get out of the car and walk around confused. "Where is everyone?" Fiona asked. "Out doing their jobs" they jump and see Amy in a glittery white dress that looks similar to Jessica rabbit and had a blue silk shawl laying on her lower arms with her hair up in a sexy lose side braid. "I see you try to sabotage my wedding by wearing white and let me guess spill red wine on me? Well I was aware because we were informed by my father's lawyer and saw you see the sign" She said as she gracefully walks down the steps. "Well ummm it was Fiona's idea!" Vixen said and Fiona gasped at her mother's betrayal. "I know you're lying vixen you both planned it. You are here to get my father's company back right? Well tough luck I won't give it to you."  Amy smiled and reached the bottom of the steps. "Listen here you little whore you disowned your father therefore it's mine!" Vixen yelled. "Well you won't need it once Amy is done with you." Sonic said approaching his wife. "And why is that?!" Fiona yelled. "Because you'll both be dead" Amy smiled and they back up seeing her eyes glowed red and fangs grew. "Sonic hold vixen down while I drain my step sister." Amy said removing her shawl. Sonic quickly grabs vixen and in the blink of an eye Fiona screams as Amy drains her blood. "NO!" Vixen cried as her daughter's dead body drops. "You're finally getting what you deserve for your greed and cruelty. For sleeping with a married man for making my life hell. I'm going to enjoy this life once I hear you scream as I drain you~" Amy smiled blood still on her lips. Sonic let's vixen go and Amy pins her to the wall. "Say hello to daddy in hell for me~" she laughs wickedly.Vixen screams once Amy bites her neck and succumbs to the blood loss. Sonic smiled at his bride and she smiled at him. "Shall we begin our take over my love?" Amy asked. "Yes but first" he puts a dark silver chain necklace with crystal crescent moon pendant around her neck. "It looks beautiful on you my empress~" he smiled and she smiles at him. He held out his hand and she takes it before they head to the barn to place their blood in the special batch. The following week they held a grand party for all important corporations owners and CEO who were unaware of the true intentions of the couple.

They learned too late once they drank the special batch and the vampire's take over begins.


Blood WineOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora