Chapter 1: Peppino Pizza

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Peppino Spaghetti, an Italian middle-aged man waits outside his pizzeria, Peppino Pizza. Tapping his foot with his arms crossed, he slowly becomes impatient. "He's-a late..." In the distance, a pizza moped's lights, shine on Peppino, getting closer and closer. The person driving pulls up and steps out. "Ah, you must-a be Gustavo, no?" says Peppino. Gustavo is ready to start his first day on the job, as he already has his apron and chef's hat on. "That's me, boss! When can we get started?" Peppino's frown immediately turns into a wide grin, as he shakes Gustavo's hand. "Right this-a way, paisano! Welcome to Peppino Pizza, now open-a!" Peppino flips over a sign on the door, making Peppino Pizza "open". Peppino guides Gustavo around the pizzeria, hopefully showing him everything before a customer walks in. "This is the-a kitchen! You'll cook orders and such here... Make sure you wash your hands too! I can't have another rat in this place again..." Gustavo seems somewhat confused. "Wait... rats?" Peppino checks behind an "Employees Only" door. He looks into a storage room full of chef hats, crates, pizza boxes, and... rats! Peppino exclaims, "Oh god-a! It's a whole infestation! Gustavo!" Gustavo hears Peppino's scream and rushes over. "I need you to go in there, make sure every single one of those-a rodents are exterminated, got it?" Gustavo grabs a nearby broom, heads into the room, and whacks every corner of the room, scaring off the rats. As a customer enters, Peppino's attention darts over to the entrance door in front of the pizzeria. The customer is wearing a yellow outfit and hat, white gloves, and a dark orange cape. "Oh! Theodore 'The Noise'-a Noise! How wonderful it is to see one of my star customers-a!" The Noise shouts his nickname "Italian Man!" from across the room and walks over to a counter Peppino was over on the other side. "The-a usual, correct?" Peppino says, as he writes down toppings and ingredients on a small notepad. "You know me too well, Italian Man!" The Noise replies. Peppino tears off the paper off the notepad, and heads into the kitchen. He tosses the dough up and spins it, making it perfectly round. He grates cheese, slices tomatoes, and other toppings like mushrooms, sausages, and olives. As he inserts the pizza into the oven, he sets an egg timer and waits. Peppino hears The Noise shout from the corner, "So are you tuning into Channel NTV later today? You know what today's episode is!" Of course, how could Peppino forget? Every week, The Noise does a special episode on the pizzas the town has to offer. "Pizza Time Fridays". "Of course-a! I already know whose pizza is going to be the best though!" Peppino says with a cocky attitude. The Noise smiles widely. "I wouldn't be too sure, Italian Man! There's actually a few new competitors this week!"

Peppino is unphased, as he chuckles. "Nobody can beat Peppino Pizza! 'The best-a pizza in town-a' guarantee!" Peppino overhears his egg timer ringing, and goes over to his pizza oven to pull The Noise's order out. He then pulls out pizza boxes and places the pizzas inside, then goes over to charge the Noise for his order. The Noise leaves enough money to pay and then leaves. Gustavo comes out seconds later, about to wash his hands. "Get ready Gustavo! Here comes the-a morning rush-a!" shouts Peppino.

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