Chapter 1

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I'm actually gonna try to take this seriously 😭😭

3rd person limited
Benji woke up feeling like absolute shit.
"Ugh, great, another amazing day of work." He rubbed his eyes, slowly pulling the covers off of him and walking into the restroom. He liked his work, but if he's being completely honest, it sometimes got super hectic. No one really listened to him at all. Not his co-workers, or his students.
Except for one particular person... Peyton. You see, him and Peyton knew each other since grade school, and well, Benji had developed a sort of crush on Peyton along the years. It eventually "faded" when he saw him with another girl. Though it never went away completely.
Who would've thought they'd both end up being teachers at the same school. While he got ready, his phone lit up with a new notification.
New message from Peyton
He opened his phone and read the text
Hey Benji! You excited for the game tonight?
He respond back:
Yea, I got a good feeling about this one

(Time skip brought you by me getting my ass arrested cuz i be writing this 👮‍♂️)

Benji got out of his car, being met with Kevin.
"Hey man! What's up?" He went in for a fist bump
"Uh, yea all good." trying to reciprocate the fist bump but failing.
God why am i so awkward Benji thought to himself. He walked away from Kevin and quickly made it to his classroom before class could start. "Okay, here we go, first class of the day. I can do this." He mumbled to himself quietly.

BYE WHAT WAS THIS 😭😭 anywho gonna end it there cuz im tired as fuck 😞 also has anyone else been feeling horny for no fucking reason 😭😭 like i'll be zoned out then suddenly think 'i want *insert random name here* to fuck me' or 'i wanna fuck *insert name* so hard rn' LIKE HELP ME WHAT THE FUCK
also I've been getting into a duck obsession recently 🦆🦆🦆
anyways byeeee

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 22 ⏰

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love story i wrote abt my science teacher and the pre-algebra teacherWhere stories live. Discover now