Is it really you?

Start from the beginning

Deacon: Brooke, it makes no sense. We both know it.

Macy: You and Brooke have Hope together... Remember?

Deacon: Yes, but... Why does it matter to Ridge now? It never did before.

Eric: Deacon has a point. I don't understand why Ridge wanted to invite him here for this.

Thorne: Yeah that doesn't add up.

Bill: I know that I am on that list only because I'm Katie's husband... There is no way Ridge would invite Deacon without a good reason.

Stephen: This is so all so confusing.

Brittany: We all need to relax and wait for Ridge. I am sure he will tell us everything.

Ridge walks into the house smiling.

Brooke: Ridge... 

Ridge: Hello Brooke... I'm glad to see you all here. 

RJ: Dad, what is going on?

Jack: Exactly uncle Ridge... We need to know

Deacon: Why am I hate Forrester?

Ridge keeps smiling.

Next scene: Back to the Marone house. 

Steffy: This whole waiting is killing me. Thanks God the nanny has our children. I wouldn't want them to see me so stressed.

Finn: Babe, maybe those will be good news?

Taylor: I feel fear... I don't think those will be good news for our family... 

Diana: We don't know it yet. This whole thing is bizarre... 

Massimo walks into the house with Thomas.

Everyone is shocked.

Taylor: Thomas?! 

Taylor hugs him. Steffy comes over and hugs him too. 

Diana hugs Massimo.

Diana: Dad, what is it about.

Massimo: Please come in...

Sheila slowly comes in... 

Everyone looks horrified.

Finn: Mom...

Nick: What the hell?! What is Sheila doing here?! 

Steffy: I knew... I just knew it. I'm calling the cops... I don't care that grandpa has other plans.

Massimo: Put... the... phone... down.

Steffy looks at Massimo.

Massimo: Nobody is calling the police.

Next scene: Back to Brooke home.

Brooke: Ridge... Why are you smiling? And why did you told me to invite all these people?

Ridge: There is a very good reason.

Brooke: Well I hope it's a good one. I almost wanted to say no... But on the phone you insisted so much... 

Rick: Come on Ridge... Don't let us waiting too long.

Bill: Yeah... Just get on your knees and declare your love for Brooke. That's probably what you planned, right? 

Ridge: I will do that later... First I have something better. Much better. 

Sally: Jack, it means it's not about Sheila...

Jack: I don't understand what's going on.

Jack looks confused.

Ridge: Don't worry Jack... It's not about Sheila. It something that will make all of us extremely happy. 

Bold and the Beautiful Alternative Version Season 3Where stories live. Discover now