||KIM Mansion||
V smirk and placed the phone back on its place. He moved back but got his chain stuck with guk's shirt button making him curse himself in mind.
V: "Don't wake up untill I am done with this" - he said removing his chain carefully not to break it as it's tae's gift which is very precious to him. Both have same chain with different pandents, V's one is a sun while tae's one is a star.
V: "Done....thank god it didn't break" - he sighed in relief but bite his lips seeing guk's face from so close. Her soft milky baby face was looking more adorable in his eyes. He moved his hand to caressed her chubby cheeks unintentionally making her lean to his touch.
V: "So cute" - he voiced out without knowing making guk stir and open her eyes.
Guk: "Good Morning hubby" - she said and showed her bunny teeth making V coo at her internally but gulp when her soft lips touched his rough ones. Guk back away after a small peck making V get lost in some other world.
Guk: "Hubby!....hubby!!" - she shook him making V back away instantly with a thumping heart.
Guk: "You did greet me back" - she pouted sadly making V smile forcefully.
V: "Sorry bun....good morning " - he said sweetly making guk smile and went to bathroom to freshen up quickly.
V: "What happened to me?...argh calm down damnit" - he said cursing his heart to stop beating crazily. He groaned and took blanket over himself sleeping sometime as whole night he didn't get a little bit of it.
V: "Who is calling at this time?" - he whined hearing his phone ringing continuously.
Tae: "Good Morning hyungie" - he heard his baby sister's angelic voice and sit up smiling ear to ear.
V: "Good Morning but it's night here" - he said laughing at tae making her scoff.
Tae: "Did you hit your head somewhere hyungie.....check outside it's morning there only....you forget to call me in morning today" - she said and pouted angrily making V look at time. He shut his eyes getting crazy because of that bunny,he forget to call her whole day.
V: "So sorry bear..... I just got too busy to remember anything....how are you baby!....you taking medicines on time right" - he asked making Tae hmmm.
V: "Good and what about appointment with doctor....you are going for checks up too right" - he asked getting a hmm in return.
V: "Is everything ok there.....are you tired?....then why you not talking properly to me" - he asked making tae bite her lips because she is doing this to make him agree to call her back.
Tae: "Because I want to come back to you.....if you say no then I won't talk you to you....it's final this time" - she said and closed her eyes waiting for V's response. V sighed and cut the call instead of saying no because he can't knowing tae's nature.
V: "Sorry baby but if I said no then you would have emotional black mailed me.....then I had to say yes which will be not good for you .... coming here right now is like asking for death And I can't risk your life no matter what" - he sighed and laid down again yawning because of not getting good sleep.

Guk was sitting on toilet while hiding her face in her hands crying silently.
Guk: "I am sorry hyungie....plz forgive me....I didn't know it will hurt you this much....you didn't even look at me once....why you didn't say anything not even scolded me......do you hate me now?....you don't care whether I live or die....will you break all your ties with me....no plz your are my only blood related family after mom dad.....forgive me for my this mistake just this ....next time I won't disappoint you plz" - she said crying hardly feeling alone without him. They never stayed away from each other even when kook went on some business trips, he took her with himself saying who will take care of her behind his back.
Guk: "I can't even blame hubby for anything....he just love me so much that's why didn't stay silent.....if I was on his place I will do same....why can't you see his love for me....he trusts me so much now I will also prove myself worthy of him....for me he didn't care about his parent's promise....I will also become a good choice for him....stop crying bunny ....you are strong....you can fight anything for your loved ones....hyungie will forgive me one day ....hubby is with me then why any fear.... don't need to feel alone just believe on your love.... that's it" - she took deep breaths and said motivating words to calm her nerves. She washed her face and took a warm shower to relax het stiff body.
Guk: "Oh no!....how can I forget something so important.....now what I will wear?" - she said pouting heavily. She moved to door wearing that bathrobe and knocked multiple times.
V: "Come in" - he said when knocks didn't stop making him sit up eventually.
Guk: "Hubby!" - she called making V snapped towards bathroom and throw pillow on floor angrily.
V: "What happened bun?" - he asked clenching the pillow tightly controlling himself from loosing his mind.
Guk: "Can you give me your clothes....I don't have anything to wear" - she said in low voice fiddling with her hands making V's eyes went wide. His mind drifted to unholy things without any permission making guk pout.
Guk: "Hubby!!" - she whined making V gulp and stand up to take clothes from closet. He slapped himself in real and get a pair of shorts and shirt from his closet.
V: "Here" - he said moving his hand inside making guk smile and took it brushing her hand with V's sending shivers down his spine. He immediately pulled his hand back and went to bed covering himself in blanket again.
V: "It's ok..... nothing happened ...relax" - he was saying while patting his chest. The one who warned kook about guk's safety was now shaking just by her single touch. Guk come out after wearing his clothes looking like an angel making V's eyes follow her everywhere.
Guk: "You don't wanna bath....go I will ask for breakfast till then hmmm" - she said drying her hairs and applying her lip bam. V lick his lips to make them wet as seeing guk's ethereal beauty his throat went dry.
Guk: "Hubby....you ok?" - she asked touching his forehead taking him out of his world and next second he run inside bathroom leaving guk confused.

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