....[Explanation + Instructions]....

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The dream realm is a place where the mind and soul can travel to under certain circumstances such as meditation, drunk, high or while the [Subject] is asleep, it's a realm made up of strange objects and entities, the air is breathable and it's climate is decent. though that doesn't mean it's safe, the dream realm can be a dangerous place if the [Subject] doesn't have an idea as to were the they are going or what the [Subject] is going to run into, some entities are harmless but not all if them are, some would kill the [Subject] as soon as they spot the them while others would only kill the [Subject] if the they got on their nerves or if the [Subject] was a threat to their safety. The [Subject] is able to take certain things out of the realm as they are to bring into the realm.
The body will remain in the state the [Subject] was in before traveling. People outside are unable to wake the [Subject] from the state their in during the max time of 8 hours.


If the [Subject] is still unresponsive after 8 hours of being in this state, then they have died in the dream realm and it's best for the people on the outside to bring them to a Kaiokay (Kai-okay) facility immediately so that they can help in reviving the [Subject] before their body and mind dies, if the person does not have a way to make it to the facility in time then the person should use whatever they have in their surroundings to shock the [Subject] awake.
drastic measures will be necessary.

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