||JEON Mansion||
Kook was pacing back and forth worriedly because guk didn't return home yet.
Yoongi: "Calm down....you are raising your blood pressure nothing else....she will come soon" - he said making kook glare him.
Kook: "Soon when it's already 12 in night....what you want me to do huh....wait 24 hours to file a missing complaint ....are you serious....she is my sister....my only family how can I sit peacefully when she is not in house" - he said dialing her number again and again but they were saying it switched off.
Kook: "Call commissioner....where his search went.... otherwise I will find her myself" - he said making yoongi node and called commissioner.
Hobi: "She didn't even discuss anything with me....nor even called for greetings...god knows where she might be....plz keep her safe" - he said praying while sitting on couch because kook called him first for knowing guk's whereabouts but no use.
Kook: "Come on pick up the call baby" - he said passing hands through hairs feeling his body tensing up more.
Guk: "Hyungie" - she said making kook snapped towards her and close his eyes taking in breath of relief. Guk went to him and hug him seeing him looking so dull.
Guk: "What happened hyungie?....why you so tensed hmm?....you body is also hot" - she asked touching his neck making kook shake his head and hug back.
Kook: "Where were you huh?....I was so worried about you....why you didn't pick my calls hmm?...you are fine right" - he asked backing away checking her from top to bottom making her more guilty.
Guk: "I am fine hyungie .... I am sorry my phone's battery got dead....why you take so much stress about me...I am not a kid anymore" - she said making kook chuckle and pat her head.
Kook: "For me you are my same 5 years old baby bunny..... don't went missing like this again....hyungie can't take it hmm" - he said kissing her forehead making yoongi smile and come to them.
Yoongi: "I was also stressed....come on give me some attention too" - he said making kook roll his eyes and hug guk from side.
Kook: "Stay away from my sister ok....go your house you have office tomorrow shu" - he said waving him with his hand.
Yoongi: "Possessive brat....I was just asking for a hug never mind...stay safe bunny good night" - he said making guk smile and wave too.
Guk: "Good Night meow hyung" - she said making hopekook laugh while yoongi stomp his feet.
Yoongi: "Shut up you horse face" - he said making hobi shut his mouth and look away cursing him in mind.
Guard: "Sir we found someone outside our mansion....he is there for a long time now....what should we do!" - he asked coming from behind making kook frown while guk tensed up.
Kook: "Take him inside" - he said making guard node and leave.
Guk: "What's the need hyungie?....it's already so late....you didn't eat dinner right then why wasting your time on useless things.....let's have something and then sleep" - she said making kook chuckle and take her to sit on couch.
Kook: "Don't worry I will handle it in minutes hmmm....you sit here and I will ask maids to set table for us ok" - he said making guk node hesitantly. Yoongi also stopped to see who ask for death himself while hobi wanted to ask guk's well being before leaving.
V: "Hey Jeon" - he said coming in with a slight smirk which got unnoticed by guk. Kook snapped towards him like a beast making him chuckle.
Kook: "What are you doing here?" - he asked heading towards him like will kill him without any notice.
Yoongi: "Stop what are you doing!" - he stopped him making kook glare him.
Kook: "Don't interfere in my matters" - he said angrily making yoongi leave him because he won't listen anyone right now. A hard punch landed on V's face as soon yoongi leave kook making everyone gasp.
V: "Such a warm welcome" - he said wiping the small drop of blood near his lips. Guk stand up to stop kook but yoongi stop her.
Yoongi: "Let's not angry him more hmm" - he said making guk gulp and stare at them with scared eyes. Kook pull v from his collar angrily and landed another punch on his face making him wince in pain.
Guk: "Plz leave me see what is he doing....like this he will kill him" - she said removing his hold around her hand making yoongi sigh.
Yoongi: "Kook stop it will you....this is your house don't fight like street dogs" - he shouted but kook's mind was blocked seeing his arch enemy in his house.
Kook: "How dare you step in my house huh?" - he asked pushing him on floor making V groan. He was getting hella angry by this humiliation but hold himself because it's not the right time.
Kook: "I will kill you today" - he said holding him from his shirt pulling him on his feet. V closed his eyes weakly and before another punch land on his face a body touched him slightly.
Guk: "Don't hurt him plz" - she pleaded with joined hands making kook stare at her with red anger filled eyes and heavy breathing.
Kook: "Move aside" - he said controlling himself from hurting his sister because of him.
Guk: "You back off.... don't hurt him plz....I beg you hyungie" - she said holding his shirt making V smirk internally while kook frowned.
Kook: "Why?....you don't know him yet....he is not a good person....go in room hmm....we will talk later" - he said in little soft voice making guk shake her head while tears leave her eyes scared for V.
Guk: "I can't leave him....he is my hubby....he is not a bad person hyungie" - she said making kook froze on his place. His anger washed away by horror listening him. Yoongi was no less than him while hobi's eyes pop out of his sockets.
Kook: "What?" - he uttered shocked making guk gulp and wipe her tears.
Guk: "I can explain calm down" - she said moving to hold his hand but kook back away.
Kook: "What you said right now?....say it again I wanna hear that" - he said angrily making guk hiccup.
Guk: "Plz hyungie don't behave like this" - she said crying now making V hold her hand and turn her towards himself.
V: "Don't cry we didn't do any crime....we love each other and married .... don't need to be scared hmmm" - he said cupping her face wiping her tears making kook's soul left his body.
Yoongi: "What rubbish are you saying?....you can't marry him....he is our biggest rival....come on bunny" - he said angrily making V show him his hand.
V: "Don't talk to my wife like that Min....I won't bear any disrespect towards her" - he said making yoongi scoff.
Yoongi: "Stop this acting....will you everyone here knows how much badly you wanted to bring us down....let me tell you this is not a fair play.... don't play with her heart" - he said making V sigh and look at guk.
V: "Ignore him baby....I love you I do I swear.....you love me right" - he asked cupping her face making guk node while glancing at kook who wasn't even glancing at them.
Guk: "Plz end your fight with hyungie and become good friends na" - she said holding his hands around his face making V roll his eyes in mind. 'No way in hell,I marry you to win against him not to become his friend,ah I am feeling satisfied seeing his blank face,so good why I didn't do this before never mind let's enjoy the drama' he said in mind and yoongi clenched his fists seeing his sister begging that bastard.
V: "Don't cry for those who don't care about you....you have me now....I won't leave you at any cost whether anyone accept us or not" - he said and hugged guk so that she won't get chance to calm kook or interact with him.
Yoongi: "Get out of our house....bunny go to your room.....we will talk about it tomorrow " - he said in ordering tone seeing kook not saying anything.
V: "Yes baby let's go home....we will come when your hyung accept us hmm...come" - he said making guk confused. She already discussed with him about it before then why he is adamant to take her with himself.
Yoongi: "Oh just shut up....you think we don't know your game play....once you take her to your house then black mail us in name of her.... don't forget we are not fools" - he said making V sigh heavily and look at guk in her eyes.
V: "You also think like them huh..... don't you trust me.... don't you think my love is way beyond our rivalry" - he asked making guk shake her head.
V: "Then show them how much you trust me by coming with me today" - he said making yoongi's mind blow up. He moved towards him and pulled guk back from his hold.
Yoongi: "Don't you hear me....out right now" - he said making V stare at guk for answer.
Yoongi: "You won't go....never mind gurads... guards....throw him out of our mansion" - he said making guards node and hold V from his arms moving him but couldn't.
V: "I am waiting love....your home is waiting to welcome you.... don't break my heart my trust" - he said in cracked voice making guk clench her jaws to not cry. She took deep breath and wipe her tears.
Guk: "Leave him....if he doesn't have any place in this house then I also can't stay here" - she said making hobi move towards her.
Hobi: "What are you saying bunny?.... don't come in his words....he is such a great actor....think about your hyung....he loves you so much....how he will live without you hmmm" - he said making guk bite her lips looking at kook who didn't say anything and went from there to his room. He was too hurt to react what can he do shout at his beloved sister or kill her so called husband.
Yoongi: "If you left now then forget about us" - he said making guk look down allowing tears to leave her eyes. Yoongi doesn't want to emotional black mail her but seeing V's smirk he couldn't stop himself.
V: "Come love" - he hold his hand for guk making yoongi clench his fists to beat the shit out of him once guk say no.
Guk: "I am sorry to hurt you all....but can't leave my husband's hand in this situation....plz try to understand me....if possible forgive me hyung " - she said and remove yoongi's hand making him hurt. V smirk in victory seeing their broken faces and held guk's hand in his own securely.
V: "If they love you dearly then I am sure they will forgive you soon....and accept us too don't worry" - he said near her ear making guk's hold tighten on his hand.
Hobi: "You did wrong bunny very wrong" - he said sadly and went to his home. Yoongi went to kook's room to confront him for staying silent all this time.
Yoongi: "What the hell was this huh?....why you didn't stop her?....That bastard took away your biggest weakness from you and you stayed silent.... seriously don't you know how cunning he is....he will hurt our bunny why you didn't do anything" - he said shaking him getting no response from him. Kook was staring in space mindlessly feeling like someone has snatched his soul from him. He can't believe whether it was reality or just his dream.
Yoongi: "What happened to you now?....say something" - he asked tapping his cheeks finding them wet. He didn't waste time and hug him because last time kook cried when his parents died.
Yoongi: "Shhh it's ok don't worry.....I am here na we will find a way to make bunny understand and come back to us hmmm.... don't take stress" - he said rubbing his back but kook didn't utter a word. Yoongi made him lay in his bed and removed his shoes,coat,tie,watch.
Yoongi: "Sleep tight....we have to fight with a new spirit tomorrow ok" - he said caressing his hairs staying beside him tonight. Neither kook nor he have anyone except each other tonight.

||KIM Mansion||
V stopped his car infront of his mansion and looked at guk who was still crying while looking at her lap making him roll his tongue inside his mouth. 'What a headache I got in my life ' he groaned in mind but get out and went to open door for her.
V: "Come bun" - he held her hand making guk sniff her tears and wipe her face instantly. She hold V's hand and come out making him close the door.
V: "Welcome to your new life....your new house" - he said smiling forcefully making guk hmm and look towards their mansion. V took her inside and clapped his hands to gather everyone. All servants came downstairs with bogum and Jimin.
V: "Listen everyone....today I want you all to meet my better half....my wife Kim Jeongguk" - he said making Jimin shocked while bogum smirk because he already knew something like this gonna happen. There is no way V back off from any task.
Jimin: "What rubbish is this?...you married her....how?when?why?" - she asked feeling betrayed but not hurt don't know why.
V: "Like everyone get married and today.... And about why....because we love each other that's why" - he said wrapping his arm around guk on instinct as she was shivering hearing Jimin's loud voice. She is used to kook's loud voice that too sometimes but others scares the hell out of her just by this.
Bogum: "How can you do this huh?....did you forget our parents promised each other to marry you with Jimin....then why you married someone else" - he said acting with situation making guk's eyes widen. She looked at Jimin and find her fuming in anger making her gulp.
V: "That was past...we were kids by then....now I love someone else so it's better to not destroy each other's life" - he said giving guk a reassuring smile.
V: "You all can sleep I just wanted to introduce her to everyone....what you wanna eat bun?" - he asked making guk shake her head feeling no appetite after today's whole drama.
V: "No way you have to eat something...come I will cook for you my special dish" - he said and took her to kitchen leaving everyone bewildered. It's first time he is taking care of someone except his bear.
Jimin: "Go to hell I don't care whether you marry once or twice....argh spoil my sleep idiot alien" - she stomped her feet and went to her room making bogum sigh.
Bogum: "She will never learn to use her power....such a naive sister I have....looks like I have to do everything" - he said smirking thinking something evil for that poor bunny.

||JEON Mansion||
Kook was sweating in sleep moving here and there trying to get out of some trap but couldn't. His movements get wild making yoongi wake up beside him and on the lights.
Yoongi: "Kook!!...what happened wake up" - he said tapping his cheeks feeling them burning hot.
Yoongi: "Oh god you got high fever....what should I do now?" - he sighed and pull him into his embrace rubbing his back to calm him.
Yoongi: "Calm down everything is fine.....I am with you" - he said near his ear making kook calm a little but didn't wake up from sleep. Yoongi lay him back and went to kitchen to bring ice cube water and cotton pads.
Yoongi: "Don't worry it will go away soon hmmm" - he said placing those cold pads on his forehead seeing him moving in sleep painfully.
Kook: "Bunny!...save her...he is Dan...gerous for her....save my bunny" - he said in sleep breathing difficulty making yoongi feel bad for him. He is also concerned about her but the way kook feel no one can after all he(kook) is his(guk) twin sister. They shared most of time of their lives together so her sudden departure will surely leave a huge impact on him.
Yoongi: "Don't worry we will save her from every danger hmm...first get better and strong to fight with bad people" - he said caressing his hairs making kook node his head and tears leave his eyes feeling so much pain inside his heart. He can't express how much hurt he was by guk's this step only he knows how hardly he was holding himself up. After their parents death, he become more mature than his real age facing everything on his own.

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