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‼️😜-pretty much a chapter full of sexual references, mutual masturbation and phone sex

If smut isn't for you, you can skip this chapter. It doesn't hold any information regarding to the story itself and is more a filler to build the tension between Callie and Arizona.

Arizona POV

"Mommy there are so many things to see, are you sure you can't come more than 3 days early?" My daughter begs while on the phone with her mama and Mila after what she describes as another perfect day out. "I'm sorry baby not this time but I promise we will visit again soon ok? The list isn't going anywhere" she nods accepting my answer "I can't wait to see you mommy, I miss you so much" her words melt my heart and I know I cannot wait to see her either. "I know baby just one more week and I'll be there, I cannot wait to give you the biggest squeeze" she laughs at the thought "but we can still go out with Mila for her birthday on the Friday while your here can't we?" She asks, "of course, whatever you, Mila and Mama have planned will still happen, don't worry" Mila and Sofia have become very close and I am a little worried how Sof is going to react when it's time to leave again.

Seeing her so happy in New York makes me question is New York is an option for the clinic, I mean I love Seattle and it's the only place that feels like home but could New York become home? Sofia would have both of her moms and Mila close by.

"Zo what time does your flight get in?" Callie asks breaking my thoughts, "oh umm 8:40am, it was the best time for Amelia to make her connection", "ok that's fine we will be there to pick you up" I shake my head, "not at all, I can get a cab or a train or something" I suggest but Callie is insisting on them picking me up but at least it means I get to hug my baby girl sooner.

Sofia and Mila go off playing and it's become quite normal for it to just be Callie and I on FaceTime these days "so Amelia" she asks wiggling her eyebrows "you always had a thing with her" she laughed making me roll my eyes, "well we were together in college and she was my first plus she's good in bed, like really good and I mean look at her she's gorgeous, even you agreed you'd have a threesome with her once so who am I say no when she asks?" I admit honestly and I can see the small streak of jealousy in Callie's eye "I mean she is pretty I'll let her have that, better than me?" She asks with a smirk and I laugh "I mean, your both good in different ways, you have that sexy Spanish way and your rough with me which you know I love" I bite my lip thinking about sex with Callie "but Amelia, well she speaks German and I can pretty much work out the Spanish now but the German I have no idea and she really knows how to work a strap" Callie almost spat out her drink making me laugh "Jesus Christ Zo I didn't ask for details", "you asked who was better, how can I make a judgement without giving the details?" I ask. "Your very different, yours is sexy and rough and passionate where as Amelia is quite intense, she's very sensual, it's slower" I smirk thinking back to the previous night with Amelia, "honestly your kinda tied at the top for first place skill wise but i'm gonna have to say she wins because she's the one here fucking me and your in New York" Callie's face dropped "but you married me?" She asked almost offended "I did, and I'd have happily continued having sex with you for the rest of my life without a single complaint but now you've left I've just to become a nun?" I asked causing her to laugh again. "I mean maybe the mile high club can help ease my fear of flying" I tease knowing she's jealous. "Someone seems... frustrated, not getting your needs met?" I ask and she groans "nope, and I haven't for over two month despite me asking and offering" "ouch, turned down too, you'll just have to do it yourself, I do all the time now, it can be fun if you use your imagination" I suggest. "I do but it's not the same, why what do you imagine?" Her voice becoming more curious. "All sorts, different places, different people, my favourite experiences" I say pouring some tea. "You seriously think about previous times you've had sex?" She asks and I nod placing my phone against the vase on the table so I can lean back on the sofa with my tea, it means she can see a lot more of me than if I held it but this way was more comfortable "oh yeah, you should try it, it's wild" I laugh. I can see Callie contemplating it.

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