[13] hoon (wonyoung's hero)

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-wonyoung s POV-

"I'll head out now!" I said to my dear members

"Alright,stay safe wony!" My yujin unnie said

"I will unnie,don't worry about me!" I replied closing the door

I'm going to the kbs building and not because;I will go back to go mc-ing with sunghoon

I'm going there because; my manager allowed me to be on a hiatus for five months

-After the meeting with kbs-

I was just on my way home,I decided to walk since my dorm is not that far

,,im a but hungry,, I thought,probably because I haven't ate in days

I decided to go on a bakery to buy bread

"Hi,what would you like?" The bakery cashier said

"Uhm,this one please" I said pointing to a bread

"Thank you,come visit again!" The lady said to me

-a few minutes later-

I was just walking
I was pretty full just because of that bread

When suddenly I got pulled in a ally
A very dark ally

The person pushed me to the corner of the ally

"Who are you and what do you want from me?!" I yelled

"Oh,wonyoung,you don't remember me?" He asked creepily

"Liam?" I asked

"Finally,you remembered,my love I waited for so long"
He said like the lunatic he is

So basically,Liam is a friend I met on paris and then he confessed to me and I gave him a chance but,I rejected him later on,so when you put it together Liam is my crazy ex

"You're my stalker?" I said and he cackled maniacally
"Of course,I've been stalking you for so long"

"Please don't hurt me" I begged him
"Oh,wony,my love,it won't hurt,I promise I'll be gentle"
As he said that I already knew what he was gonna do

He was gonna rpe me

And before I knew it he forcefully smashed his lips against mine

He was about to unbutton my shirt and
I tried to break free from him but he was too strong

But then someone pushed him

And that led to him wincing in pain because his back hit the back of the wall and I turned to the man that pushed him
And it was.....

"Sunghoon?" And I quickly hid behind him

Sunghoon grabbed liam's neck line thingy (idek)
And punched him in the cheek

And I just stood there like a lost bunny

"Sunghoon,please stop,don't hurt him,please" I yelled
And sunghoon went in front of me

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