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Beep ... beep ... beep

Kylie attempts to move and turn off her alarm only to misjudge her position relative to the side of Georgia's bed and hit the floor with the thud. She lets out a groan and Georgia chuckles.

"You, okay?"

"Good news is that I landed on my phone, also, bad news I landed on my phone."

Georgia looks over the edge of the bed and smiles at Kylie, "Morning."

"Morning." Kylie smiles up at her before pulling her down on top of her, causing Georgia to let out a scream as she makes contact with her. Kylie reaches up and pulls her in to a kiss. "You look adorable with bed head."

"Had I known that messy hair was the way to get your attention, I could have saved us a lot of time."

Kylie chuckles and hugs Georgia, "I really don't want to move, but I need to get home and finish packing."

"I don't want to move; everything is still feeling like a dream and I'm not ready for it to end, yet."

Kylie smiles and kisses her gently, "It's not a dream, G."

"Yeah, it is; a dream come true, for me at least. You have no idea how long I've been waiting for you to see me as more than just a friend."

"Why didn't you tell me?"

"During one of the first conversations we had, you made it known that your plans for the future involved playing for Canada, attending UNC, winning NCAA Championships as a Tar Heel and then getting drafted to play in the NWSL."

"All true."

"What's also true is that when I asked you about relationships, you told me you didn't have time for one and that it would probably just be a distraction anyway."

"Is that why you tried to dissuade me from going out with Adam or was it because you wanted me to go out with you instead?"

"He wasn't right for you. None of them were."

"And you think you are?"

"Obviously, Georgia thinks she's right for you! The girl's in love with you. Why else would she give up Stanford and follow you here?"

The two look over at Serena.

"How long have you been listening, S?"

"Since you fell out of the bed. Small room, loud alarm. Now, if the two of you could continue this conversation elsewhere, I'd really appreciate it as I'm the only one in the room who doesn't need to be awake this early and I could really use some extra zzzzz's. Also, consider me a crew member on this ship, as well as the majority of the girls on the team."

"Everyone knew?"

Serena nods, "Yes. We even made bets as to how long it would take you to figure it out. Speaking of which, can I confirm with the chat that the two of you are dating or have you not had that conversation yet?"

"Can you hold off on spreading the news about the two of us being together until we have a bit more time to figure things out ourselves? Preferably, until after we're back from being away as it wouldn't be good for us to be outed during our first National team camp together."

"Fair, but it's going to cost you."

Kylie responds, "Meal card while I'm away?"

"Deal! You know I would have settled for a fancy coffee from the good place."

Kylie squeezes Georgia, "I really do need to get a move on."

Georgia smiles and climbs off her, "We'd be meeting up at the airport anyway, how about I just finish up, get dressed and then we can head to your place and get you packed and ready to go?"

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