As a bunch of naked women appeared and surrounded Ebisu, he couldn't resist and succumbed to a nosebleed, passing out from the overwhelming sight.

"That was cool!" Konohamaru

"Well, I'll see you later, Konohamaru." Naruto

"When will you teach me another technique, big bro?" Konohamaru

"Maybe sometime later." Naruto said before walking away

One day later
Iruka files a missing case report of Mizuki. Hiruzen tells Iruka he will have his anbu investigate. The anbu find no trace of Mizuki, but came across the scene of Hisoka's battle with Mizuki.

Two day later
As the excitement of team placements began to settle among the newly minted genin of the Hidden Leaf Village, the buzz of conversation filled the classroom. Each new team, now officially formed, eagerly anticipated the arrival of their Jonin sensei. In the midst of all the commotion, Shikamaru Nara, known for his laziness, managed to pull Naruto aside for a private conversation.

"Hey, Naruto," Shikamaru began, his voice low, ensuring their conversation remained between them. "Everyone's noticed how much you've improved. It's like you're a completely different person compared to before. How'd you pull off such a change?"

Naruto, ever the adept at masking his true self, especially after his rigorous but secret training under Danzo, gave Shikamaru a nonchalant shrug. "I just trained really hard, you know? No secret to it," he replied, his tone light, attempting to brush off the question.

Shikamaru eyed him skeptically, the shadows under his eyes seeming to deepen with his doubt. "Hmm, doesn't seem like something that could be achieved with just 'hard training'...," he mused, but he decided not to press further. Shikamaru could tell when a mystery was beyond even his patience to unravel. "Whatever it is, just don't get yourself into trouble," he finally said, leaving Naruto with a pointed look before returning to his own team.

Time passed, and the classroom gradually emptied as the Jonin senseis arrived one by one to collect their teams. Eventually, only Team 7 remained: Naruto, Sakura, and Sasuke, the tension among them palpable as they awaited their own sensei's arrival.

An hour passed with no sign of Kakashi, leading Sakura to voice her frustration about their sensei's tardiness.

He's always 3 hours late to everything" Naruto says.

What do you mean" Sakura

He always visit the memorial stones of his fallen comrades,Naruto said.

"His dead friends" Sakura

Our sensei has been on the frontlines when since he was was our age. I can't imagine how he feels losing all his comrades to war. His father to suicide, his mentor to the Nine-Tails attack. So when he arrives Sakura don't give him a hard time." Naruto

This silenced the room. It was a side of Naruto that neither Sakura nor Sasuke had expected, revealing a depth of knowledge and empathy that surprised them.

Sakura, moved by the story, found her irritation with Kakashi melting away, replaced by a newfound respect. Sasuke, on the other hand, felt an unexpected kinship with Kakashi, understanding all too well the pain of loss. Yet, it was Naruto's unexpected knowledge about Kakashi that intrigued him the most, adding another layer to the enigma that was Naruto.

As another half hour dragged by, Sakura, driven by impatience and a desire for some alone time with Sasuke, began to engage him in conversation, only for her attempts at flirtation to fall flat. It wasn't until Kakashi finally appeared, offering a flimsy excuse for his lateness, that the dynamic in the room shifted once again.

Naruto: The Magician(Discontinued)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon