The reptile room

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We pull up the drive of a house, all the bushes cut into shapes of reptiles. Klaus has his face pressed up against the window, gasping at the sight of each new one. Mr Poe says, "It's a brand new chapter of your lives, Baudelaires. He is your closest living relative and apparently should've been your guardian the entire time. My recently rehired secretary is a little worried Olaf is at large, but I know he wont be able to find you here. By the way, the police think Olaf will be found very quickly."
The car stops, and I look at Violet. She looks scared, and asks, "What was the smell up the road?"
"Ginger," Mr Poe gets out the car. As he helps us out the car, he explains, "Dr Montgomery was your late father's cousin's wife's brother. That should explain why you never met him. Now, you call him Doctor Montgomery, unless he asks you to call him by his first name, Montgomery."
"Montgomery Montgomery?" I ask. Mr Poe knocks on the door, and it swings open. A man, holding slices of cake on a tray opens the door, and beams, "Hello, hello Children! You must be the Baudelaires! This is perfect timing, considering I have just finished making this delicious coconut cream cake. Take a fork! Call me Monty, or Uncle Monty in due time, and come in!"
We all walk into the house, and Monty asks, "We're going to spend a lot of time going to some very fancy movies! What is your favourite movies?"
"Dawn patrol, the 1938 version," Violet and I laugh. Monty nods, and says, "A very good film, if I do say so myself. You must be Violet, the inventor. You are obviously Hazel Blue, the obdurite, and Klaus the reader. And Sunny, the biter! I'm sorry if I seem like I care to much, but I want to make sure you all know that I want you to feel at home. Would Sunny like a slice of cake?"
"Sunny prefers harder foods," I smile, letting Violet hold her. Monty gasps, "Unusual for a baby! Would Sunny rather a raw carrot?"
Monty puts a raw carrot in Sunny's hand, and proceeds to get Mr Poe out of the house. I smile, frowning as Klaus blurts, "Our fortune can't be used until Violet and Hazel Blue come of age."
Monty nods, saying, "Yes, that is true. Now, I'm glad Mr Poe is out of the house. I'm terribly sorry if I was rude to him, but frankly, that man irritates me. Not to worry, you're finally safe now."
I gasp as a screeching noise rattles through the house. We all look to where the noise is coming from, and I ask, "Is that a clock?"
Monty nods, and asks, "Now, follow me. Your parents and I practically grew up together!"
We walk up the stairs with Monty, and he pauses at a photo of a piano. He smiles fondly, before saying, "Look at this picture of us."
"Monty," I say, "There's nobody in this picture?"
"We were all locked in it," Monty smiles, "Violet and Klaus, would you mind taking Sunny downstairs? I've got to do something with Hazel Blue really quickly."
Violet, reluctantly, leads Klaus away, and I ask, "Can I help you Monty?"
Monty, without saying a word, begins walking down the hall. I follow him, silently praying he isn't working with Olaf. It feels ridiculous to feel so paranoid, and as we round the corner, my fears wash away. I watch Monty dig around for something, and he pulls a medical kit out of a cupboard. He hands it to me, and sighs, "I know what Olaf did to you. No child gets bruised up like this. What did he really do though?"
I shrug, "Shoved me down some stairs, used my body to push open a door, threw me to the floor once or twice. Why couldn't Violet, Klaus and Sunny be here for this?"
Monty smiles at me, and as we walk out the room, he explains, "I had a feeling you were trying not to let them notice that they were there. Something tells me you felt like you allowed them to know, and feel guilty for what you think was causing an issue. I see how Violet was trying to help you, but you act like you're their only protector now. Your mother always said you would stand up for what you believed in, and I want you to try to allow yourself to be a child. Protect as much as you want, but keep yourself safe too."
I nod, and smile as we bump into my siblings. Monty leads us down a corridor to an odd door, and he turns to us. He says, "Many people don't even dream of this room. You cannot get inside this room unless you have nineteen keys, three combinations, two fingerprints and one optical scan. Or, as I share with my most trusted associates, by turning this doorknob right here. Welcome to the reptile room!"
He pulls open the door, and we all gasp as we walk in. Lizards and snakes line all the walls, and we all walk round. I peer into a little cage, and smile at the lizard in it. It hisses at me, before curling up into a sleepy ball. Monty calls us all over, and I beam as I join him. He announces, "This, dear children, is the incredibly deadly viper!"
We all scream as the door bursts open, and Sunny scrambles to get out of Violet's arms. Violet stumbles backwards, falling to the floor and letting Sunny drop. The viper slinks to be round Sunny, and chaos ensues.
"MONTY, DO SOMETHING?" I beg. Violet's screaming is incoherent, and we all get louder as the Incredibly deadly viper bites sunny. Monty laughs, picking the snake up and putting it in his cage. He laughs, "I'm sorry children, the name is a misnomer. I intend to play a joke on the society meeting. I'll announce it, say it is lost, and watch them all lose their minds. Obviously, there are dangerous snakes, but that venom sample cupboard wont hurt you. These books are the most important part of the reptile room. All my research."
Monty moves towards the door, and he says, "I know a few dangerous species can make a person afraid of all reptiles, but if you learn to trust, no harm can come to you. Now, enjoy the room!"

Hazel Blue Baudelaire and a series of unfortunate eventsWhere stories live. Discover now