Part 9

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I'm abruptly woken up by Count Olaf, being dragged out of bed. I gasp as he drags Klaus and I upstairs, through parts of the house we've never been in. Eventually, we get to the tower room, and I spot Violet sat on a chair. I gasp, and she gets up to hug me. She doesn't let go, and I have to drag her away from me. Her hair is a mess, and Olaf snaps, "You know, some people say the hardest job in the world is raising a child, but it is nothing to putting on a play. Honestly, it's very difficult. I wont have orphans MUCKING IT UP."
He steps off the ladder as Klaus whispers, "You'll never touch our fortune."
Olaf rests his hand on Violet's shoulder, tilts his head and smirks, "Klaus? I'll touch whatever I want. Anyway, when this timer runs out, your sister will be married to me."
I storm over to the window, reaching my hands out to the birdcage. It's just out of reach, and Violet sighs, "I made a grappling hook to reach Sunny, but ended up stuck here."
"I'm sorry it didn't work," I whisper. Violet looks at me, and says, "It did work. I just got caught. I need to come up with something before the sand in the hourglass runs out."
We all turn to the hourglass, and I freeze. The sand has already run out, which doesn't actually make a lot of sense. Olaf's head pops back into view, and he sighs, "I bought this online, you'll need to turn it once or twice. NO MUCKING MY PLAN UP!"
He slams the trap door down, and Violet whispers, "It'll be okay Sunny. I might be able to invent something to get us out of here."
"I might be able to research how to get out of the wedding," Klaus sighs. I mutter, "I can make things become an inconvenience? I've got nothing useful to do."
Violet looks around the room, before asking, "What if-"
The hench person with hooks for hands pops up, and climbs into the tower. He sends Violet and Klaus downstairs, but stops me from leaving. I sit down on an armchair, and look at him. He stares at me, and I stare back at him. I ask, "How has your day been?"
"Alright," the hench person shrugs, "I wish I was downstairs, watching the show. How are you?"
"I'm not doing great," I say, "My twin sister is about to get forcefully married, my little brother has to be apart of the wedding when he is terrified, and my baby sister is in a birdcage suspended thirty feet in the air."
The hook handed man looks at Sunny, and asks, "Do you guys know how to play poker?"
"Fast learners," Sunny babbles. I don't expect him to understand Sunny, but he says, "That's good, it's a pretty simple game. Okay, let's start a round."

After a few rounds, I notice Sunny is getting a little red. She does sometimes, and it's usually nothing to worry about, but the hench person doesn't know that. I ask, "Does Sunny look really red to you?"
The hench person looks at Sunny, and grows a little concerned. I watch as he brings Sunny into the room and opens the birdcage. He hands me Sunny, and I beg, "Let us out, please. Please can we go and see if someone can get us a doctor?"
As we walk through the house, the hook handed man sighs, "Will she be okay? I need to make sure she gets back in the bird cage maybe if she is."
We barge into the theatre, just as Klaus has started what looks like an explanation. Olaf stares at us, and the hook handed man explains, "She was having a slight flush, I had to bring her here."
Klaus repeats what he had said about needing a black board, and one is wheeled out to him. I watch as Klaus writes, explaining what he is writing as he goes along. He looks over at me, and silently begs me to come with him, so I step to him. I stand, watching as he explains all his researching, finishing by saying, "Violet is not married to Count Olaf."
Everyone looks to Justice Strauss, who smiles, "I am happy to say that because Violet signed the marriage certificate with her left hand while being right handed, the marriage doesn't count."
"Dr Montgomery is going to look after them," Mr Poe's old secretary says, "He wanted to as soon as he heard about the fire. Sadly, Justice Strauss cannot be your guardian, even after all she has done for you."
The lights all turn off, and I scream as Sunny falls out my arms. Count Olaf's footsteps grow faint, and I look at Sunny, who didn't fall out my hands, but Violet took her. Justice Strauss walks over to all of us, and whispers, "Well, I suppose this is good bye. I'll miss you all very much."
"We'll miss you," I sigh. Violet hands me Sunny, and I walk with her in my arms. Mr Poe's car feels smaller than it was only days ago, but that might be because we've had to get changed in a stupidly short amount of time and are tired. Violet holds my hand, and I sigh, ""Strange as it may seem, I still hope for the best, even though the best, like an interesting piece of mail, so rarely arrives, and even when it does it can be lost so easily."
"Who said that?" Klaus asks. I think for a second, before muttering, "I actually don't know. Mother told it to me after... after something. Honestly, I've got loads of quotes just rattling round my head. I might have read it."
"Do you think Dr Montgomery may be a better person than Olaf?" Sunny babbles. Violet whispers, "Olaf's plan will be hard to beat. I doubt things will get worse than that. Olaf is gone now. We wont have to worry about him anymore."
"We wont have to worry about him anymore," Klaus repeats.

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