Chapter 37: Sorting the truth somehow

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Harry's Pov 

My heart felt like it was stabbed with a knife when I found that Y/n went missing and her friend never actually remembered that day. She thinks they never had a Hogsmeade weekend. All she knows is some Greek stuff, which is seriously unnecessary for finding Y/n.

The news of both Katie's curse and Y/n's missing spread around Hogwarts like wildfire, but nobody other than us knew the right story. Katie was moved to St. Mungo's later this morning. I felt really bad for her because she wasn't the actual target of whoever sent that cursed thing.

'Oh, and Malfoy knows of course!', I said to Hermione and Ron sitting next to me.

Though he is the "brother" of the-love-of-my-life-exactly-year-ago, Something is wrong with him. And he has become a Death Eater, to whatever extent I've researched from the start of this year. 

But, as everyone quotes, Whenever we tell the truth, nobody believes. Just because they're incredulous, don't worry they'll get you someday.

I don't care if he is going to be my brother-in-law or whatever after a few years, He's my childhood rivalry and he will be if he doesn't compromise first. Anyway that will take eons to happen. I'm scared that I won't fall from grace.

'Harry', Hermione called me in a low voice. 'When will you ever leave this whole "Malfoy-is-a-Death-Eater" Theory?'

'Till I prove that He is a death eater'

'You're being ridiculous, Harry', Ron said.

'No you are'

'How will Voldemort even recruit a sixteen year old in his army?', Ron asked me.

'I doubt if he can even convince a thirteen year Y/n to become one', I shrugged. 

'Harry!', Hermione looked offended, and her expression was totally serious.

'Sorry', I said but I didn't mean it. And deep inside, I think it was all Voldemort's work abducting my Y/n, and we don't know if she's all okay or not.

'Maybe, It was all Voldemort's work?', I said. Ron winced on hearing his name, he has already warned me many times not to use his name, but I did that to annoy him.

'What do you mean?', Hermione retorted. 'Y/n's abduction?'

'Yeah', I nodded.

'And, what makes you think that?', Ron raised an eyebrow at me. 

I shrugged. 'Dunno, It all fits in the puzzle, doesn't it?', I paused as they exchanged looks. 'Okay, We know that Lucius Malfoy was arrested at the Ministry for you-know-what and he's in Azkaban. So, wouldn't Voldemort want a substitute in his army instead of Mr.Malfoy? And the answer to that, is Malfoy becoming a Death Eater'

Hermione was facepalmed, and I frowned at her. 'You're seriously standing in the same place, Harry'

'Wait, I was going to tell the next and most important part, don't ruin that!', I protested. 'Thinking from Voldemort's point of view--'

'Please don't turn into him', Ron said.

'No I won't', I smiled. 'He would definitely want revenge'

'A revenge?', Hermione asked. 'On who?'

'Y/n of course!', I said. 'Look, she was behaving so cheekily to him in that ministry incident, and she's a Pureblood Malfoy in Gryffindor and...', I shut myself, because of the next reason.

'And, what?', Ron prompted.

'Y/n's close to me', I sighed.

'Yeah', Hermione agreed. 'So, you're saying, If Voldemort has Y/n on his side,It will be easier to get you?'


Sorting the truth somehow was totally terrible, and it may Avada Kedavra you, please kids, don't try this at home.


'You have had a busy time while I have been away,' Dumbledore said. 'I believe you witnessed Katie's accident'
'Yes, sir. How is she?', I asked, trying to be modest, I know Katie was still in distress.

'Also about Y/n's disappearance', he nodded at me, not answering my question.

'We don't talk about that', I muttered, which was audible enough.

'Impertinent,' said a soft voice from one of the portraits on the wall.

Phinehas Black, Sirius's great-great-grandfather, raised his head from his arms where he had appeared to be sleeping. 'I would not have permitted a student to talk the way Hogwarts operated in my day'

'Yes, thank you, Phineas,' said Dumbledore quellingly. 

'We know who abducted Y/n, Professor', I said and it was obviously the dumbest thing I've done that day, so I changed the topic. 'Where were you this weekend, sir?', I asked, and Phineas Nigellus, who hissed softly in his portrait.

'I would rather not say just now', said Dumbledore. 'However, I shall tell you in due course.'
'You will?', I was startled.
'Yes, I expect so,' said Dumbledore, withdrawing a fresh bottle of silver memories from inside his robes and uncorking it with a prod of his wand. That is going to be my new lesson.
'Professor,' I called, after a short pause, 'did Professor McGonagall tell you what I told her after Katie got hurt? About Draco Malfoy?'
'She told me of your suspicions, yes,' said Dumbledore. 'I shall take all appropriate measures to investigate anyone who might have had a hand in Katie's accident. But what concerns me now, Harry, is our lesson'

Our Lessons were more like a story. A history. Well, not like the boring History of Magic I was dreadful at. It went quite interesting. Also escaping Snape's detention was more fun. And learning everything about your enemy makes you look and sound a bit stronger.


I really couldn't believe that Voldemort grew up in an orphanage without anyone and Dumbledore just went there to deliver his acceptance letter. His character was seriously savage and the way he questioned Dumbledore, It partly reminded me of myself and the way I almost got sorted into Slytherin. We've got so much in common and I hate that.

'And now, it really is time for bed', Dumbledore said.

I got to my feet, and my eyes went across  the little table on which Marvolo Gaunt's ring had rested last time, but the ring was no longer there. Maybe it was under a disillusionment charm.

'Yes, Harry?', said Dumbledore.
'The ring's gone', I said and looked around. 'But I thought you might have the mouth organ or something'
Dumbledore beamed at me, peering over the top of his half-moon spectacles. 'Very astute, Harry, but the mouth organ was only ever a mouth organ'
Well done, Harry. So, I guess he is dismissing me right now. But there was this swooshing sound errupting from the fireplace, like someone had come using the floor powder.

'Guess who's back?', asked the voice.


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