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The year was 1940 the second world war was raging on and japan was constructing the yamato as a secret project and was claimed the largest battleship in the world

US spies recovered data of the yamato specifications but these were just overly exaggerated numbers to evade the true power of the yamato but this got the US worried of their naval superiority so project 'poseidon' was initiated

It was plans for a so called 'mega battleship' and a 'mega carrier' but by the time they were completed the US was already at war with japan. At 1942  the 'mega battleship and carrier' formed a carrier group assigned with the light cruiser class Cleveland and the destroyer Laffey. Strange thing was during missions there was an anomaly with the carrier group it was like the ships they had their own minds and did their own thing. There were reports during missions that Laffey the destroyer kept drifting towards the mega battleship. on some occassions even touching hulls. And the mentioned battleship would use one of it's side cranes to hold onto Laffey. No one was operating the cranes when those incidents happened. Even Cleveland which stuck closer to the carrier. the Cleveland would by itself drift toward the carrier when it got too far away though she would keep a good distance away

Together they were launched deep into enemy waters of japan and during their journey in the pacific met up with the aircraft carrier Hornet and she was added to their fleet as a support carrier  during their battles laffey was sunk in the japanese naval front because of a torpedo from a enemy submarine and Hornet soon came after both sinking during the battle of Santa Cruz. And after their sinking they were moved to the german naval front where they joined the hunt for bismarck. Cleveland sunk from the last shell fired from the sinking bismarck hitting the rearmost turret magazine splitting the rear hull

The two remaining ships returned to japan and sunk many ships. When they encountered yamato the american crews were laughing seeing the real yamato they had the 'this is what were worried about' attitude and they proceeded to sink the yamato

The two ships where at the coast of japan and they saw the nuking of one of two cities which oficially marked the end of the war

Then the korean war rolled in in which the two ships served as a mobile fortress and the other one a mobile airfield where they gained the name FORTRESS and ANGEL WINGS the aircraft carrier had angel wings painted on the tail of each plane she carried which gained popularity among the friendly troops and thus gaining her name and the ring of lights reinforced that too

The cold war happened which is an arms race between the soviets and americans the two ships gained upgrades over time during the cold war which was (CLASSIFIED) information the soviets could'nt match the two ships

The Ukraine-Russian war of 2020 where they destroyed the entirety of the russian fleet to help the ukranians. Where USS ANGEL WINGS went rouge and started a revolution by helping russian defectors and civilians opressed by their goverment which in turn made russia collapse and get re-named to Neo Russia

The year was 2077 the two ships are sailing towards the Washington DC bay to celebrate their 135 year anniversary after sailing through the bay they were sent to europe conducting a diplomatic meeting in Neo russia

They journeyed through the bermuda triangle which was still somehow a mystery in 2077.

While they were inside the bermuda triangle a massive superstorm appeared above it

In the rough seas two gigantic ships are seen being hit by 100 meter tall waves. Massive oceanic tornadoes in the background and lightning crackling lighting up the sky a super massive 400 meter tall tsunami swept up the two gigantic ships throwing it into a massive column of water where they became airborne the turrets being ripped off due to the sheer force of the wind and aircraft on the deck flying off into the tornado. eventually the two giant ships hit each other the battleship piercing the side of the carrier hitting the nuclear reactor causing it to detonate easily destroying each other causing metallic debris, components, planes, turrets, to fall into the water sinking

Azur lane universe

A giant storm appeared in the ocean with two giant tornadoes close to each other after the storm dissipated the only thing left are two ships floating in the water


There are some innacurate information here so i will mention them

The laffey was launched in 1943 but in this story she was already made in 1941

Cleveland sunk

Both ships survived the war irl but here they sunk

The hunt for bismarck ended in 1941 but for story purposes the hunt lasted waaaaaaaaaay longer

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