Chapter 8

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El's POV -

I woke up in the middle of the night after a terrible dream I had. I got up out of bed and went to the kitchen to get some milk when I see James drinking milk.

"My Queen, what are you doing up?" James asked as he looked up and saw me walking into the kitchen.

"Bad dream of a terrible memory." I simply said not wanting to think about it.

"Does Zander know you're up?" Katie asked as she walks up to us.

"No...I don't want to wake him up. He won't let himself sleep until my father is dead. I know he won't because he wants to protect me and our pup and I will do the same. I will not let my father take our baby away from us, he's taken enough from me already and I won't let him take anymore." I said as I suddenly felt my mates arms around my waist.

"When it finally comes time to kill him, I don't want you anywhere near. I want you to stay in a safe place. I can't risk losing you and our pup if something happens to you. I want you to keep all the women and pups safe." he said to me as he rested his chin on my shoulder.

"Fine, but you better come home to us. I can't live without you and our pup needs his daddy there to teach him how to be King one day." I said as we stood there for another minute with Katie and James before they went to get ready for the meeting that's happening in 2 hours.

"Babe, you will be rid of the grasps of your father and he will no longer be able to hurt you. Now lets go get ready before breakfast." He said as he kissed my head and led me back to our bedroom to get ready for the day ahead.

Meeting -

"Yesterday, there was a threat to the Queen by her father. I want extra guards with her at all times. Around the castle normal guard as well as James and Ollie will be with the Queen but if she leaves the castle, I want extra guards with her. I need all warriors to increase their training and be prepared for whatever her father might have up his sleeve." I said as we sat in my grand office in the castle with the head warriors and bodyguards.

"As his daughter, I can say there is a big chance he may be working with vampires. He has used them in the past, so I wouldn't be surprised if they are assisting him." El said as she sat on my lap, feeling safer in my arms.

*Pack wide announcement! The King and Queen's wedding and coronation is to be moved up to as soon as possible. There has been a threat amongst the Royal family and if the Queen isn't sweared in then the Lycan Laws prevent us from protecting the King and Queen to our fullest extent. Maids and butlers please speed up the set up for the coronation and wedding.* James said in the pack mindlink.

"You're not telling us something. How are we supposed to protect the Queen to the fullest if we don't know the entire truth?" Jeff, one of the head warriors questioned.

"If we could tell the pack we would but as of right now, it is safest for the Queen and the Royal bloodline if we don't tell the pack yet. Trust that we will tell you all once this is all over." Ollie said, defending his Queen, my mate, and his mates best friend.

"I trust the judgement of my King and Queen. I just think it'd be easier knowing the full story but I will inform all warriors that training is now intensified to defend the Queen against a threat looming." Oscar said, our other head warriors said.

"Thank you everyone for your time. Dismissed." I said as everyone walked out of my office.

El's POV -

I can't believe my father would go to the extent knowing the consequences of his actions if he is found by the royal guard. Once he is found he will be brought before the Lycan Supremes for threatening me, the Queen, and the heir to the kingdom and he'll be sentenced to death for such threats.

"Babe, what are we going to do if things go sideways?" I asked nervously.

"My love, if things go sideways we'll figure out another way. I promise. Now don't worry about that. Instead why don't you and the girls go to the seamstress in town and find a corronation/wedding dress. I'll have the car ready for you ladies." He said as he hugged me before leading me to James and Katie's room. "Katie, would you like to go with El and help her pick out her corronation/wedding dress?"

"Of course I would! Leave her to Leah and I. We'll keep an eye on her. My King, you can leave El here with me and I'll get Leah if you want to go back to your office with James and Ollie to figure out a plan to keep our Queen here safe." She said as she hugged me and dragged me into her room.

"Please be safe. I love you my queen." He said before he left.

"El are you okay?" Katie asked me as I sat on her bed.

"To be honest with you, no Kate I'm not okay. I thought that once I found my mate I'd be free but then my mate turned out to be the King so I figured I'd be safe reporting his misdeeds just to have my pups life threatened before he's even had a chance to live. I want him dead Kate. I can't live in a world where he is alive and may have the chance to continue in the future. I don't want to worry anymore. I'm so tired of being afraid of someone who once treated me like a princess." I said finally breaking in front of me.

"Leah's on her way up. Once she gets here we'll head to town to find you the most perfect dress." She said to me, attempting to soothe me.

"Okay. Zander has the car ready for us." I said as Leah walked in the door.

"So are we going to find you the most perfect dress or what?" Leah said in a chipper voice. Leave it to her to not let anything worry her.

"Let's go ladies. I need to get out for a bit anyways." I said as we walked out Katies room and to the awaiting car. We have five guards coming with us plus our driver who is also a trained bodyguard as a last defense if someone manages to make it through the other five.

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