Give me the chance to change (even though i'll just throw it away)

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No matter how hard you try, sometimes leaving the sinkhole is the hardest thing a person can do, even if they are pulled out.


"So has anyone seen Hoshi?" Nozomi asked



"Hmm," Yoru said "have you messaged him?"

"No I haven't, I would assume Saki-chan has though," Nozomi responded.

"Well there isn't much we can do, let's practice-AAAAHHH '' Tsuki said before being cut off by a scream.

"Tsuki!?" Yoru exclaimed "you all good?"

"Uhh, I think so but does anyone else see Hatsune Miku on their computer screen or is it just me?" she responded.

"No. oh uh hello Miku," Yoru said "yes I do."

"Well I think we should end things here for a night," Nozomi said.

"I agree, goodbye!" Yoru said before abruptly leaving the call.

Nozomi exited the call and turned to his second monitor and there in all her glory was Hatsune Miku, the same one he saw in the SEKAI a day prior.

"God took you long enough, come to SEKAI," she said, giving him a pointed gaze "see you in SEKIA or whatever MEIKO says," she said before disappearing. Touya left his room and entered Saki's where she was on the phone with someone.

"Shinonome-kun, I'm sorry but I don't know where Tsuka went, I am looking, I swear," she said, pausing. "Yes I will tell him to call you, Sorry I need to go, my parents are home," she said before hanging up.

"Saki-chan, I wanted to let you know i'm going back to the place where we found him the first time as Yoru asked if we could check it out, i thought i would let you know," he said.

"Thanks for letting me know Touya," she said "oh! I might be out later than normal since Emu-chan asked me to help her find people for our street group,"

"Ahh Ootori-san, hm tell her that I said hi,"

"Will do," saki nodded mock saluting as Touya left her room.

"Alright, time to enter SEKAI," he muttered to himself before closing and locking his bedroom door. Opening up files he pressed on the file, finding himself in the SEKAI once more.

"Took ya long enough, Miku said she wanted to show us something," Yoru said, grabbing Nozomi's hand and pulling him along.

"Finally." Miku said "well come on we don't have all day," she swiftly swam off leaving Nozomi, Yoru, and Tsuki to run after him.

After a short while they happened upon a stage and a door.

"Is that a stage?" Tsuki asked.

"Yes it is, now we are here, be quiet or else you will startle them," Miku said while swimming towards the door. "Oh and there is no water in here so be careful,"

Nozomi nodded as he went up behind Miku. peeking he saw one door he didn't catch what the door said before Miku opened it she walked in and turned back to the trio who were just standing at the door. Glancing at them in an annoyed manner she gestured for them to follow her through the hallway.

Walking through the hallway was interesting. One side of the wall had doors about five of them, each with different icons and colours. A blue ice cream, red wine, pink fish, teal leeks, and one with a banana and an orange.

The otherside had photos of each member of the SEKAI. Miku paused in front of one where all the colour had been washed away leaving only a deep shade of blue behind. She touched the photo and quickly pulled her finger away. Nozomi noted her finger got stained blue as she quickly moved on. Passing the five doors they got to four doors this time alongside the icons a plaque with a name is above them. The first one they pass is of a microphone but the plaque has no name on it.

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