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She could smell gas even before she opened the door.

The room was sickly sweet and smelled of rotten eggs;

And there was something not quite right about the window.


The house held her newest self; but they had still found her.

A mountain of muscle cross-slashed with scars she had EARNED.

The men were not expecting her to be awake.


The bright light contrasting with the dark hallway

Bathing everything in a shimmer glow

A moment to engage or flee


A quickening of steps brought her closer

The closest one fell silently before her

Caught unaware and gasping for air


The grasping out at the darkness

The snare of entrapment hot against her wrist

The fear of understanding dawning


The shadow behind her new prey turned towards her

The shock of awareness giving way to the wince of mortality

The blade had found a fleshly sheath


The hollow thuds of her villain's falling

The quickening of her hands exploring

The jingling of keys grasped tightly


The slick imploring of her unhinging

The jangle of her entrapment falling

Freedom tasting like copper on her tongue


The strain of standing and

The weight she dragged further

Towards a hopeful escape


The searching of her captor

The sickly sweet smell of approaching fire

The destruction of the evident assailant


The promise made of retribution

The brand new day shining brightly burning

Her eyes adjusting to the world


The desolation of the world now

The unfulfilled promise of brighter days

Tasting bitter upon her memory


She strapped the weapon to her person

The supplies scavenged for brighter days

Hope that shivered at her new knowledge


A promise remembered that must be kept

A strategy that lacked a first step

A firm beginning of an end


Wasteland crying through the trees

Memory brought forth on bended knee

A prayer for loss of bondage- a prayer to go free


She shed the skin of ghosts and children

She broke her heart and hid its pieces

A search for peace that has been derailed


The world that's ending

She sought only peace

A warrior life thrust upon her


Skill learned at younger years

Skills she regretted inbreed into her bones

Skills she used without thought


New papers to find new homes

Small bills and smaller caliber

Small minds but bigger dreams- deferred


Upon her path she slid imploring

No map to find her destination

A goal to put an end to those child ghosts


Waste land scavenged for darker futures

No promises to fill for ghosts

Miles to go before she sleeps - Miles to go before she sleeps


Her steps were solid on that scorched Earth

A mission to seek and to find

Retribution for the scars she held so tight


The ghosts that screamed behind her eyes

Fuel that kept her moving forward

Darkness blending with crimson dripping


New world built upon the ashes

Old world relics that lost their meaning

"No Trespassing" signs upon her soul


She held to her weapon tightly

Honesty and grief filled souls

She would preserver against the darkness- She would preserver

Snap shots: a short story collectionTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang