30/01/2675, 11:00 - Tokyo, Japanese Empire

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Minister Lee: "Foreign Minister, when establishing diplomatic relations, it was customary to exchange ambassadors and envoys. Is that also the case in this world?"

Foreign Minister Tokugawa: "We haven't confirmed that yet. However, we are ignorant of the norms in this world. We want to grasp the conventions here through the mutual exchange of diplomats and also make them aware of our own norms. By actively engaging in interactions, we can align our understanding of norms and prevent unexpected obstacles."

Minister Lee: "What means of exchange do you intend to use? How will the communication between the Imperial Capital and the local area be established?"

Foreign Minister Tokugawa: "We are coordinating with the Ministry of Telecommunications, but laying submarine cables will be an essential future task. Currently, we have no option but to rely on wireless communication. We are communicating with the local area via the powerful radio equipment at the Taiwan Military Command Headquarters in Taipei, which is geographically closest to Qua-Toyne. However, the communication capability of the coastal defense ship, Niitaka, is limited, causing difficulties. Therefore, I would like to request the cooperation of the General Headquarters and the Navy to send a vessel capable of strong radio communication to the Qua-Toyne."

Chief Yanagisawa: "If we are talking about vessels with strong radio communication capability, it would likely be battleships or aircraft carriers. Won't that be perceived as intimidating by the other side?"

Chief Mashiba: "Additionally, the General Headquarters is concerned about the scarcity of resources. In the current situation, sending large vessels will consume considerable fuel, and we need to be cautious about that. Moreover, even if we don't initiate a war, the other side might come at us."

Minister Izumi: "To add to that, ever since the transference, we have completely lost the import of crude oil from oil-producing countries in the Middle East and the United States. Furthermore, except for ships that were already navigating in Japanese waters, no other vessels have transitioned here. We are completely depleting our reserves. We are instructing private shipping companies to suspend ship voyages."

Chief Ōkouchi: "Minister of Transportation, please consider the aviation fuel as well. Apparently, there are giant flying reptiles called 'wyverns' deployed as attack weapons in this world. Since they are airborne weapons, they should be dealt with by the Air Force's fighter planes. We need to reduce the number of civilian flights and secure a significant amount of fuel for the fighters. Otherwise, it will be difficult to counter threats from the air."

Chairman Araike: "Minister Izumi, Chief Ōkouchi, we will discuss those matters later. For now, let's proceed with the deliberation of Foreign Minister Tokugawa's proposal."

Prince Katsuragi: "Marquis, shouldn't we seek the consent of the other country first? Sending warships without their agreement might lead to accusations of gunboat diplomacy. His Majesty wouldn't desire such a situation, and it could damage the Empire's authority. I believe that should be our first concern."

Foreign Minister Tokugawa: "Your Highness, what if we keep the warships anchored offshore, avoiding getting too close to the land? If we don't make a conspicuous display, it might not be perceived as intimidation."

Prince Katsuragi: "Hm... What do you think, Yanagisawa-kun?"

Chief Yanagisawa: "If it ensures that it won't be considered gunboat diplomacy, it would be suitable. However, Foreign Minister, moving large vessels would also require escort ships. Considering the fuel situation, the General Staff might be hesitant to agree to this. As a whole, the Imperial General Headquarters is not enthusiastic about actions that could potentially escalate military tensions. I would like to know why you are in such a hurry."

Foreign Minister Tokugawa: "According to information received from the Ambassador to Manchuria last night, conflicts are frequently occurring in their border areas. The opposing forces are armed at a level comparable to the medieval period in our known historical eras and don't pose a significant threat. However, there are units in this world that utilize the reptilian creatures known as 'wyverns,' as mentioned earlier by Chief Ōkouchi. We believe there might be more unknown entities. It is essential for us to understand the norms in this world and establish cordial relations with other countries to protect ourselves from potential threats. Gathering information is an urgent task, and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs strongly feels that way."

A moment of silence followed.

Prince Mikasa: "Prime Minister Yamagami, may we hear your opinion on this matter?"

Prime Minister Yamagami: "By the command of Your Highness, I will share my thoughts with everyone. Tokugawa-san, what if you personally travel to Qua-Toyne? Engage in extensive discussions with the upper echelons of Qua-Toyne and learn about the norms in this world. Additionally, considering the future, we should request permission for government aircraft to land in Qua-Toyne. If possible, also request permission to establish an airport and a powerful radio base in some parts of their ports."

Minister Oka: "Prime Minister, revealing a part of our country's technological capabilities to the other side might be concerning."

Prime Minister Yamagami: "To some extent, I had already expected that. The envoy to be dispatched will have to show various things. However, based on the information we have gathered so far, and what we have been told by Manchuria, there is a vast, almost incomparable difference between our country and the countries in this world. Even if we were to install our machinery in the Qua-Toyne, there is no risk of breaching this world's technological level. Still, if there is information that overturns the facts we have collected, it is better to address the Foreign Minister's concerns to prevent any misjudgments. We should make sure that our lack of knowledge about the norms in this world does not anger the other side. For that, I believe it would be better for the Foreign Minister to fly there on a helicopter before sending any large warships."

Deputy Chief Sawa: "Prime Minister, I would also like to accompany him on that mission. I can handle the information gathering regarding military matters."

Chief Mashiba: "As much as I would like to go abroad, I can't. Sawa-san, I trust you to handle it."

Foreign Minister Tokugawa: "In that case, Prime Minister, I'd like to ask for your coordination with Manchuria. The Foreign Ministry of Manchuria is currently arranging for a special envoy to be sent to Qua-Toyne, seeking contact with friendly powers. At this opportunity, I intend to mediate and request the acceptance of the special envoy in the principality. Manchuria may also be seeking contact with friendly forces. Handling this mediation at the Deputy Foreign Minister level might be inappropriate. I will take charge of the practical aspects at the Foreign Ministry, but I ask for your support, at least in principle."

Prime Minister Yamagami: "Very well. Tokugawa-san and Deputy Chief Sawa, please make the necessary arrangements for an urgent departure. Now, esteemed Councillors, is this decision acceptable for Foreign Minister Tokugawa's proposal?"

No opposition was raised.

Chairman Araike: "We will take a temporary recess. Next on the agenda, I would like to discuss the deployment of the Kwantung Army and review the operational plan from the General Staff Headquarters."

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