29/01/2675, 20:00 - Xinjing, Empire of Manchuria

Start from the beginning

"We fully agree. The Japanese government also does not wish for any conflicts between our countries amid this chaotic situation."

"Our Foreign Ministry also considers the foundation between our countries to be unshakable. Chairman Korabelishkov's statement emerged from the general anxiety of the citizens who found themselves in a pitch-black night without any guiding light. It is not intended to deteriorate relations with Japan, and we fully understand that."

"We are truly relieved to hear both of your statements. Nevertheless, we cannot ignore the anxiety arising from the uncertain future of the citizens of both our countries. From our side, we hope for favorable conditions for the export of agricultural products, such as wheat, which is abundantly produced in your country. However, we also fully understand the feelings of your country's citizens who wish to secure more food. We would like to know if there is anything our country can do to address this situation."

Minister Moriyama handed several reports from his bag to Ambassador Hong.

"This report still includes information under investigation. Additionally, the information we can share in this meeting has been confirmed with the Military Affairs Department and the General Staff Headquarters. We are maintaining the highest level of vigilance in the post-transference border areas. Though the State Council has not made it public yet, there have been multiple incidents of clashes with the locals. Upon organizing the available information, we have analyzed that the civilization level in this world seems to be comparable to that of medieval Europe of Earth. They primarily engage in border conflicts with our defense forces using rocks, bows, arrows, swords, and spears. Particularly in the border areas of our country's northern and eastern regions in Heilongjiang, Sanjiang, and Bangjiang Provinces, such clashes have been confirmed. However, the situation is somewhat different in the southeastern region of Hebei. It appears that this one is relatively advanced, and there are reports suggesting the use of firearms. Nevertheless, the reports from the locals indicate that the range of these firearms is limited, resembling muzzle-loading guns. At present, we unanimously agree that they are not considered matches of our country, and there have been no reports of losses on our side."

"I see. Should we report this information to our homeland as well?"

"Sure thing. We are already in the process of communicating this information to your Ministry of War and Imperial General Headquarters. Since our country is an army-oriented state, we also wish to obtain information from your country regarding naval matters."

"Information is a give-and-take, so we will make sure to handle it properly."

"Thank you. Now, the crucial point comes here. Wang-san, please proceed with your discussion."

"Yes, this is the main topic. Unlike your island nation, our country shares a contiguous border, and due to the loss of satellite information, our border surveillance is not 100% foolproof. As a result, there have been reports of some bandits crossing the border and looting or raiding certain farmlands."

"Goodness, any human casualties?"

"Fortunately, due to the efforts of our police force, it seems that the bandits have been driven away, and there have been no reports of human casualties so far."

"That is a relief. However, being a continental nation is tough. Losing modern weapons has made guarding the border so risky..."

"Losing satellite information is indeed challenging for our country. Moreover, though this information is still under investigation and has not been officially disclosed, rumors have already started circulating among the public."

"That's understandable. With communication equipment still functional, it's difficult to keep information secret."

"Exactly. Chairman Korabelishkov's previous statement was also born out of such circumstances, and for our country, it is difficult to ignore such voices."

Toratarō Hong let out a sigh and closed his eyes. While the upper echelons of the Manchurian government had no intention of worsening relations with Japan, they couldn't entirely ignore Chairman Korabelishkov's statements from the Manchurian Agricultural Association. Publicly announcing a decision not to impose export restrictions would be difficult to obtain from the other country's government. Some degree of restriction was unavoidable. The homeland government would have no choice but to provide its citizens with a careful explanation to ensure a smooth relationship between the Japanese and Manchurian populations. They were coming to this conclusion.

"Ambassador Hong, in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and part of the State Council, we share a similar view."

Hong paused his thoughts and turned to Minister Moriyama.

"Let's hear your thoughts."

"The State Council intends to request the mobilization of the Kwantung Army from the Japanese government. If possible, we also seek reinforcements from your homeland."

Hong's eyes widened. The contents of the conversation were unexpected.

"However, your investigation indicates that the adversaries are groups with a civilization level around the Middle Ages. While some individuals may possess firearms, they are still opponents at the cusp of the early modern period. Isn't that an excessive deployment of force?"

"You are correct. However, since the arrival in this world, our military has maintained the highest level of vigilance, and we have no predictions on when this situation will calm down. We have been unable to provide our troops and non-commissioned officers with adequate rest. Before the situation becomes unbearable for those on the front lines, the Military Affairs Department believes that with your country's support, we can rebuild our defenses. By reducing the area of responsibility with your assistance, we can strengthen our vigilance network and enhance measures against cross-border bandits. This may alleviate the citizens' anxiety and address the concerns of Ambassador Hong and the Japanese government, at least to some extent. That's how we perceive it."

Toratarō Hong considered once again. Japan was an archipelago nation, and only a small portion of the northeastern part of the Korean Peninsula was connected to the New World by land. They haven't fully grasped the challenges of border defense. The request from the Manchurian side was indeed worth considering.

"In addition, it has been 70 years since the signing of the Manchurian-Japanese Armistice Treaty, and a significant portion of the population is unaware of the experience of having their homeland invaded. Some are overly sensitive to the possibility of territorial encroachment. Very few soldiers have experienced actual combat. Even though they are from a different world, some soldiers have shown psychological distress from taking human lives. We hope to ease the hardships faced by frontline soldiers, even if just a little."

"If we can eliminate incidents of crop looting, it may somewhat improve the collective anxiety of the citizens. I will report the Kwantung Army's mobilization request positively to my homeland."

"I believe this matter is worth thorough consideration. I will undoubtedly move the homeland government. Additionally, I will personally request the Kwantung Army Command to swiftly plan the deployment of the troops."

"Thank you. I will inform the Military Affairs Department and the General Staff Headquarters to establish communication with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs."

"I will take care of Chairman Korabelishkov. I must try to make him tone down his statements somewhat."

Thus, the meeting concluded, and the three men did not return home; instead, they went back to their respective workplaces in the biting cold wind.


The setting is in the southeastern part of Manchukuo, bordered by the Parpaldia Empire.

- Monamoro

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