Chapter 1

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The next day was mostly spent building Juno's hut. Everyone was helping out, even Hiccup, which surprised her the most as he and his dragon glared at her through the process. Smithers and Meatlug went through the cave gathering boulders and rocks for stability while everyone else gathered logs and planks to make the actual hut part.

It took about two days of non-stop working to finally get it finished. In those two days, Smithers and Juno had flown back and forth from the island to the cave they were staying in before.


On the final day Juno and her dragon had been gone for the whole day, only returning at dusk. Looking down at the island she sees the gang all around a tall cliff. "Down bud. DOWN NOW! We need to catch him!" Juno cried as she saw Tuffnut falling off the cliff. Thankfully Hiccup caught him just in time, but chicken continued to fall.

Swooping down to grab her Juno caught her just in time. "Gotcha!"

"Why was Tuffnut on the edge of a cliff?" Juno asked, handing Chicken back to the Viking. Ruffnut explained the whole situation. "You thought you were turning into a dragon?! That bite is so clearly from a wolf!" Juno just shook her head. "Yeah, that would have been helpful hours ago!" Hiccup said with a scowl. Juno looks over at him with a glare.

"Anyway, I went further into the cave that I was living in and found this." Juno holds up a dragon eye lens. "I saw you guys talking while holding one of these and figured it must be important. So, I grabbed it." She says handing it over to Fishlegs. "So, are you going to tell me what this thing is?"


"This thing goes into that?" She said confused while looking at the dragon eye. "Yes, but none of our dragons seem to be able to activate it," Fishlegs said dejectedly. "Well, I found deep in the catacombs of the cave. It was inside a dragon's skeleton." They all looked at her confused. "In a cave-dwelling dragon. Maybe it needs a cave dragon's fire. Like Smithers's fire." Juno said as if she was talking to toddlers.

She called Smithers, who was a very unhappy dragon, so he could light up the lens. With orange-purple fire came pictures of a Fault Ripper and all its information gathered by ancient dragon hunters. "Woah! This is amazing! There is always so much more to learn." Juno looked at the wall gobsmacked. "I had no idea there was so much to Smithers. It says here that they have an impeccable memory and can hold grudges... That makes so much sense." She said with an understanding look on her face. "It also says that they're blind!" Astrid said in surprise. "But he flies so well how does he manage on his own?"

"Simple, advanced hearing. He can hear the cry of an injured dragon from miles away, it's how he tracks his food." Juno said with a smirk while she showed off her dragon. "She's right. Apparently, this specific species feeds on cave-dwelling dragons and occasionally comes out of caves to feast on boar." Fishlegs says in fascination. Unsurprisingly Hiccup kept quiet as he didn't seem to like to speak in front of Juno, which frustrated her as he probably had valuable insight on the topic.

"Wait. Feasts on dragons? Should we be concerned about him feasting on OUR dragons!?" Snotlout cries while moving in front of Hookfang. "No, it only feeds on smaller boar-sized dragons," Fishlegs said casually while still studying the information projected on the wall. The twins had disappeared a while ago and Snotlout had walked off with Hookfang still skeptical of Smithers and his rider. "Right, while that was interesting, I am tired and ready for bed as is Smithers so I will leave you to finish your notes." Toothless growls at her on the way out of the cave they had ended up in. Juno just returns with a growl of her own shocking both the remaining dragons and riders.

Sighing Hiccup follows her out, clearly having a few words of his own.


Arriving at her hut Juno turns around coming face to face with Hiccup. "Oh? Are you finally done with the silent treatment?" Juno says with an annoyed look on her face. "I'm sorry, I've been unfair to you; It's just that we recently discovered there is a whole armada of dragon hunters and then you showed up. I have been rude to you when I should be thanking you. You found a lens in a place none of us would ever think to look and... Thank you." Juno nods at him before walking into her hut. He smiles as the door shuts before returning to his hut for well-deserved rest.

"Maybe... Maybe he's not that bad." She thought aloud while changing into a simple tunic and lying down in her bed. "Not bad at all." She says before finally letting sleep overcome her.


I am absolutely bullshitting my way through this 👌

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 12 ⏰

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