Think Outside the Box Time

Start from the beginning

Everyone grasps their papers, eager to see what fruits their effort had bared. I however, almost can't bring myself to. Avoiding looking at my results, I look up to see Korosensei holding a large, rolled up paper and one lasts folder.

"The main campus will be posting the overall ranks right about now, so let's unveil them here in the E Class, too." Korosensei says, turning around to hang it up over the blackboard. Some of my classmates stand up, bracing themselves. Eventually we're all standing up and surrounding the poster. I work my way backwards through the names, mentally checking everyone off the list in my brain. But I can't relax yet. Once I've got to number fifteen, reading each name gets harder. Where am I?

"I-I..." Terasaka breaks the silence. "I'm 46th?!" 455 points.

"Isn't Terasaka dead last in the E Class?" Kimura asks. 5th.

"If Terasaka came in 46th..." Yada starts. I got...

"Then that means..." Maehara continues. 5th place?

"We did it!" Everyone cheers, throwing their papers up in the air.

"We pulled down the Big Five in the battle for top spot, too—practically a perfect win!" Sugaya exclaims excitedly.

"And first place is Karma for once!" Maehara says while the redhead gives him a slight glare.

"You got fifth! I knew you'd do great." Isogai says, placing a hand on my shoulder.

"And you got fourth!" I say happily. My eyes finally reach the top of the list. Karma in first, Asano in second, Nakamura in third, Isogai in fourth, and finally me in fifth... "Thank you so much for helping me. I don't know if I would have made it without your advice."

"It's no problem. I'll always do my best to help you." Isogai says, retracting his hand.

"You've said something similar before. I'm grateful, but you should definitely make sure that you take priority." I say earnestly, knowing he tends to be relied on by those around him. He has his mom and siblings, a job to help support them, killing Korosensei, and his own grades. I'd like for him to not have to worry about mine, or me in general, but I know he will. He's always been like that, caring for others. I might be making this up right now because I want it to be true, but it seems like he's been worrying over me more than everyone else lately.

"It seems your battle against the perfection-boasting Asano came down to that final math problem." Korosensei notes. Oh, right! That math problem... Eh. I guess that doesn't really matter right now.

"About that..." Karma starts, his cheeks a fainter shade of his hair color. "I'm not sure exactly why, but I don't think I could've solved it if I hadn't spent this year with you all. That's the kind of problem it was."

"It sure was a slog getting to this point, though, huh?" Maehara says.

"Our most fervent wish—besides successful assassination, anyway!" Yada says happily.

"We really did beat the A Class!" Okano says.

"We can go to our first-pick schools!" Mimura exclaims.

"Girls will be throwing themselves at us!" Okajima cheers.

"Yay! Girls everywhere!" Maehara and Okajima cheer. Kataoka and Okano glare, silencing them. I simply roll my eyes. How did I ever like him?

"Feels like a final episode to me." Fuwa says, smiling serenely.

"Hey! It can't end yet!" Hara scolds her. I laugh to myself at their antics. I scan the room, watching everyone smiling and chatting. Y'know, Fuwa's kinda right. Even if it isn't the 'final episode,' it definitely feels like the conclusion of something.

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