Beginning Note

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Hello! As you can probably tell, this is an Isogai X Reader. And, just a disclaimer, I don't own Assassination Classroom, Yusei Matsui does. Also, this will have a happy ending, but I am trying to try making this one have a bit more drama than I normally have in my fics.

Some other important things:

- Thoughts are in italics

- The "Reader" character is the same as the one from Maehara X Reader

- Similarly, I made this fic using drafts from my Maehara X Reader and editing them into an Isogai X Reader (just like I did with my Karma and Itona fics) so many of the descriptions will likely be the same as my Maehara fic. I will try to change as much as I can, but for some scenes I probably won't change anything. And in case you're wondering why I am using Drafts instead of writing the whole thing again from scratch, Assassination Classroom is 47 episodes long and for my fics I make a chapter for every episode. I wrote the Karma one from scratch and the Maehara one from scratch, so it gets very boring for me to rewatch and rewrite 47 chapters for each one. Using the drafts from other fics lets me have most of the dialogue from the episodes that I need because of how I write my fics.

- If this fic just simply isn't for you, please exit and pretend it doesn't exist

- With that said, if I write something offensive (unintentional), factually incorrect (without purpose), spell something wrong, etc. Please point it out so that I can fix it!

- Also, please comment! I love to read them. However, please be respectful to me and other commentors.

- I will update every Thursday until it is finished (subject to change)

That's it for now. If I feel the need to share anything else, I will add it in a note at the beginning of the next chapter. I hope you enjoy this fic!

Always There (Yuma Isogai X Reader)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum