Head Canons

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Adhd as well as moderate anxiety
Constance was her gay awakening from one kiss they had
Hates funnel cake and corn dogs
Pretended to date Noel so people would stop trying to date her at such a young age
Let Jane/Penny hold her hand on all of the roller coasters she thought we scary to help

Loves corn dogs and is mad ocean doesn't
Pretended to date ocean back in middle school so he didn't get bullied for being gay

Denied being bisexual for a long time
Likes both Talia and Noel and can't choose which one he wants more than the other

Ally who everyone thinks is gay but isn't
Loves to draw little doodles and sketches

Non binary they/them
Pansexual and is in love with Ricky and Constance but doesn't know it
Trying to figure out what love feels like
Sang the new birthday song to her kids she had after getting brought back to life

Became less scared of Jane/Penny after awhile
Love the movie tangled
Kissed ocean back in 7th grade and it was her bi awakening and she still likes ocean but is growing towards Jane/Penny a little bit

Made sure Jane/Penny won and lied about not knowing her fortune at all
Hated Ocean and found Noel calling her a annoying succubus funny

Ride the cyclone one shots and JokesHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin