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Ocean: do you ever want to talk about your emotions Jane

Jane: No

Constance: I do

Ocean: I know Constance

Constance: I'm sad...

Ocean: I know Constance-

Noel: You are HORRIBLE

Ocean: why are you talking to yourself?

Mischa: I do not say "oh wow" all the time

Noel: yes you do

Mischa: no

Noel: okay well I might my nail done green

Mischa: Oh wow.... Really?

Noel: SEE!!!!
Constance: this ride is my favorite in fact I like this ride so much I could die!!!!

The Cyclone: *de-rails*

Constance: well shit...

Constance: Can I get 6 large cokes and a  BBQ sauce

Jane: Is Pepsi okay?

Constance: ... I guess

Jane: Okay *hands her 6 cokes and a Pepsi*

Ride the cyclone one shots and JokesWhere stories live. Discover now