Laughter warms the heart

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The War it's begun, you, Merlin, Toby, Blinky, and everyone else are discussing a plan to stop Morgana, Gunmar, and Angor Rot. Merlin and Blinky were arguing as you scoffed at them, you heard footsteps coming down the stairs as a voice silenced their bickering.

"Gunmar is my fight, everyone else needs to protect the people and trolls in this town." Jim said as he snarled. Merlin was upset by Jim's decision but Arrrgh agreed to accompany him back to trollmarket. Everyone left the house except you, Jim, and Strickler. You smelled burning as Jim stuck his hand in the sun but quickly pulled it back as he looked at his hand. You sighed as you placed your hand on his shoulder as Jim rested his hand on it as he stared out the front door.

"Does the sun burn you?" Jim asked quietly as you stuck your hand out the front door. The warm light didn't burn you but you could feel it weakening you. Pulling your hand back Jim sighed as he went upstairs. Strickler stayed with you so he could tell you when the war had begun.

( Time skip )

You were wandering the town with Dictatious by your side. You can smell the Gumm-gumm soldiers nearby but they run away before you could even attack. It was starting to annoy you, these soldiers don't normally run from you. Dictatious was even confused as he held a spear tightly in his hands. You stopped moving as you made clicking noises to get an understanding of what was going on around you. All you could see were large structures surrounding the two of you. Sniffing the air you smelled someone you had no desire to see again.

"Gunmar!" you shouted as you pushed Dictatious away from you, not wanting him to get hurt. You roared in the sky as your booming voice parted the clouds slightly. You could hear a deep chuckle as you heard someone drop to the ground in front of you.

"Well it seems I can't sneak up on someone as powerful as you." Gunmar said as he slowly approached you but stopped as you started to growl.

"You wicked brute, why trifle with me? The trollhunter has a right to your head, are you afraid he will end you?" you said as you could hear Dictatious snickering behind you. Gunmar glared at the traitor as his lone eye landed back on you. His gaze softens as he summons his sword.

"I thought about what you said warden, this war. . .it has gone on for so long. I have lost my son to it," Gunmar said as he looked at the sword in his hands,"I. . .will lose you if I continue." Gunmar said as his voice trembled with uncertainty.

"Gunmar, I can help you end this, all you have to do is put down the sword." you said as you stepped closer to Gunmar. Gunmar stares at the sword as his mind fights with itself unsure what to truly do. Gunmar snaps out of his trance as he stares at you, his eyes looking back at the sword with anger on his face. He holds the sword in the air as it glimmers in the little light left from the sky. Gunmar roars as he grabs the ends of his weapon and snaps it in half. Gunmar throws the broken weapon to the side as he stares at you. Your horn like ears pick up on what Gunmar did, you stuck your hand out to him trusting in his hopefully changed mind. Gunmar takes your hand a little eagerly as he attempts to smile at you. But you don't see it because you are blind and you're currently worried about something else completely.

"We need to stop Morgana." you said as the two other trolls nod in agreement. You sniff the air as you follow the smell of Jim to hear a woman cackling evilly.

"Oh it's so nice to meet you trollhunter, I have been wanting to meet you for so long and kill you!" the woman shouted as you heard something slam into the ground. You growl as the woman's attention changes to you."You!? Merlin has mentioned you so many times that I practically know you personally. Why would you, a beast that could easily wipe humans off the face of the earth, would stay in that dead realm."

"My reasons are my own but for you. You must be killed." you said as you grabbed Morgana and flinged her into the bridge. Everyone else soon joined the fight, even Gunmar joined. Soon Morgana was defeated and sent to the shadow realm as everyone was catching their breath they looked at Gunmar with uncertainty. Jim drew his sword as he pointed it at Gunmar. The warlord growls as you interrupted the two of them by Grabbing Gunmars arm and walking down to trollmarket.

When entering you could no longer feel the warm glow from the heartstone as Gunmar sighed ashamed. You entered the dead heartstone as you let go of Gunmars arm as you put your hands on the dead heartstone. Everyone watched you confused as Merlin seemed to understand what you were thinking.

"Do you think you could revive it?" Merlin asked as he stared at you.

"I might be able to but the amount of souls I would need to give would kill me. I need more souls." you said as Gunmar understood what you meant as he picked up a piece of his soldier's remains and handed it to you. Everyone else started doing the same as you quickly ate the pieces of dead trolls. Your body glowed brighter as you placed your hands on the heartstone a bright blue color blob appeared where your hands were as it spread throughout the heartstone. The Heartstone glowed blue as it quickly changed back to its original orange color. With a smile you stumble back from the heartstone as Gunmar catches you making sure you don't fall.

"We have done the impossible." Blinky said as he smiled at you and then at the heartstone.

( Time Skip five months later )

You and Gunmar had a den deep in trollmarket to keep you away from its warm glow. At first no one was happy with Gunmar here but they allowed him to stay as long as you kept an eye on him. That still confused you, how would you keep an eye on him if you are blind.

"y/n y/n y/n!" a voice said as you smiled, you were laying down in your den as you sat up turning to the voice.

"Yes Amil?" you said as a little troll ran at you, it ran into your chest as it wrapped its little arms around you.

"Hug!" the little troll shouted as he tried to get his arms to get around you,"Too big." Amil said as he pouted in your lap. You chuckled as you heard heavy footsteps entering the den."Papa!" Amil shouted as he ran at the large troll.

"Son! Is y/n awake?" he said as he looked in your direction. A smile appeared on his face as he sat next to you in the nest.

"Hello Gunmar, how was the walk?" you said tiredly.

"It was nice but lonely without you." Gunmar said. You chuckled at his comment as you turned your head to him. The two of you pressed your heads together in a loving manner but it was interrupted as Amil jumped on your head making you fall backwards. The three of you laughed as it echoed throughout the den.

The end, I hoped you enjoyed the story!

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