What strange acts of kindness

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You awaken as your hands are bound in chains, you rise to your feet as you sniff the air to get an understanding of your surroundings. A low rumble like growl is heard from across from you, they smell like Gunmar.

"You have awakened. Warden of the Darklands, let me introduce myself. I am Gunmar the black a troll warlord." Gunmar said as you growled at him, you tried to break the chains but not all strength has returned yet,"Your trollhunter will soon fall, and the human world will soon belong to the troll kind! You could help in are victory, you could rule by my side."

You roared at him as you tried to charge at Gunmar but you went head first into metal bars. You stumble back from the impact as you stop yourself from falling over. You hear a deep chuckle coming from Gunmar as you scoff.

"You would be such a great asset if only you weren't blind. Though I am curious, why ally yourself with such weak creatures?" Gunmar says as he approaches the cell you're in, he puts a hand on the bars as he squeezes lightly.

You smile,"that human is different from any other creature I have ever encountered. They have shown courage in the face of loss and despair, I will back them to my last breath." you said as the sound of crushing metal was heard in front of you. Backing further away from the bar you hear Gunmar groan in displeasure as he looks at the lock on the cell door.

"Why do you refuse such a gracious offer to stand by my side when the surface world falls? Why do you pick that human over me?!" Gunmar said as he shouted at you. You began to growl but then you thought over his words "pick that human over me?"Is Gunmar Jealous? You couldn't ask him as you could hear his fading footsteps from your cell. You let out a breath as you curl in on yourself in the corner of the cell, as the wall you're leaning against begins to pulsate with life.

( Time skip brought to you by the very sleepy giant )

You awaken to the sound of the cell door being opened, you growl as you stand up preparing to soundblast them.

"Calm yourself, warden, I have simply brought you food." Gunmar's voice echoes through the cell as you stand there confused, why is Gunmar giving you food? You weren't exactly sure what to do but a thought crossed your mind, the trollhunter, you need to get out of here and help him. You charged at Gunmar as you sent him into the bar's of the cell. Gunmar laughs as the two of you toss and tussle but Gunmar wins because his hands are not bound in chains.

"I have finally won against you Gunmar the black has Defeated the warden of the darklands!" He said as he looked back down at you, a strange thought lingered in his mind as he got off of you allowing you to rise to your feet. Gunmar mumbled something to himself but you couldn't quite catch what he said. Gunmar walks behind you as he removes the chains on your hands. Gunmar then places a sack in the middle of the cell as he then walks out and leaves. Why is the brute acting so, how do you put it? Nice?

You sniff the bag as you quickly lose interest in wanting to know what is inside. Grabbing the bag you open your rib cage as you place the bag inside. You close it as you approach the cell door. You put your hand to your side to feel a scab where the blade penetrated your skin. I should be healed enough to escape this place and to meet up with the trollhunter you thought. You punched the cell door as it shot off into a wall. You calmly walk out of the cell as you try to make your way to the surface.

You have been walking for 30 minutes and you believe you're in the center of trollmarket. This is the problem being blind you have no actual clue where you are, you sighed to yourself in frustration as you really just want to get out of here before anyone spots you. Your attempt of being sneaky failed miserably as you heard a gasp. You growl as you're about to charge when you hear a voice speak up.

"y/n it me, Arrrgh. I looked for you want to bring to friends." Arrrgh said as his voice sounded muffled as if something is covering his mouth. You nod to Arrrgh as you tell him to lead the way. Arrrgh Grabs your hand as he leads you through the back alleys in trollmarket. Arrrgh looks around the corner to see Gumm-gumm soldiers guarding the exit to the trollmarket. Arrrgh grunts in annoyance, he opens your hand as he places something in it.

"Tell Jim Angor rot will be revived, go!" Arrrgh shouts as he pushes you into a hiding spot. Arrrgh roars as he leads the soldiers away as a distraction. You can't believe Arrrgh did that but it's not time to dwell on that, you need to get out of here and warn the Trollhunter. Making your way to the exit you use the horngazel as you make a doorway for you to get out of. Stepping outside you could feel the sun hit your furry skin as it warms your body, ugh warmth. You sniffed the air trying to catch the scent of any troll you could find. You got nothing back, sounds like a great time to start exploring.

( Time skip brought to you by the very lost giant )

You are in the sewers, wondering why you're there? Well you caught a whiff of a very familiar smell so you were following it. You made it to the end of the tunnel as you seemed to have stepped on something as your foot was inside of it. You removed it as you sniffed it, very confused at what you're holding. You scoff, tossing it to the side but it clatters into cans as the loud sound causes you to hiss in pain.

"Who goes there!?" a voice that resembles blinky is heard,"y/n? You're here?! I am so happy to see you again friend but this isn't a good-" Blinky said as another voice interrupted him.

"Blinky what are you doing here?" Jim's voice is heard as his eyes land on you,"y/n!" Jim says as he jumps into your arms hugging you with joy,"I thought Gunmar killed you."

"I can't die that easily, trollhunter." you said as you ruffled the boy's hair. A strange smell entered your senses as you looked at the side of the room. You place Jim on the ground as you approach the smell growling in the process.

"Wait y/n there-" Jim said as another voice pierced your mind as it caused you great pain.

"OH MY GOD!!!"

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